Draft Meeting Notes 07 Aug 2014

Draft Meeting Notes 07 Aug 2014


Kantara FIWG Teleconference 

Draft for Editing

Date and Time

  • Date: 07, Aug, 2014
  • Time: 13:00 PT |16:00 ET


  • John Bradley (Independent)
  • Rainer Hoerbe
  • Mat Tebo
  • Mike Jones
  • Colin Wallis


1. SCIM 2

SCIM 2 is nearing completion. There is a open source project to develop SCIM 2 libs that some people are trying to start.

2.  Connect Profile & coordination with the OIDF Connect WG.

There is a OIDF WG starting that will include profile work on Connect as part of a Health related profile that MIT and ONC are participating in.

3. SAML Test harness (Reiner)

Austrian Government using it. A fork of Roland's tests.

Initial tests didn't show many SAML problems, but did find lots of deployment issues around certificates.

35 sp tests and 15 idp tests, currently no IdP tests for invalid conditions.


Call ended at 25 min in.

Members not on the call

  • Nate Klingenstein
  • Jordan (Protiviti)
  • Scott Cantor