LC telecon Minutes 2013-12-04

LC telecon Minutes 2013-12-04


LC telecon 2013-12-04

Date and Time


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve Minutes:  DRAFT LC telecon Minutes 2013-09-11, LC telecon Minutes 2013-11-20
  3. Administration:
    1. Action Item Review
    2. Executive Director Report - see Executive Director's Corner
  4. Voting
    1. Closure of TelcoID WG
  5. Discussion
    1. Operating Procedures and the rules for WG/DG leadership
    2. WG recharter efforts
      1. InfoSharing WG - https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/_4HWAw
  6. Marketing updates
    1. Planning for a Kantara Plenary meeting (potentially at EIC plenary in Munich?)
    2. Marketing and Outreach
      1. Event Radar 2013 and 2014
  7. WG Updates
  8. BoT Liaison Representative Update
  9. AOB
  10. Adjourn


Pete Palmer (HIAWG)

Andrew Hughes (IAWG)

Eve Maler (UMAWG)

Ingo Friese (IDoT)

Colin Wallis (eGOV)

Sal D’Agostino (AIMWG)

Quorum is 5 of 8 as of 22 May 2013.

Quorum reached.



Minutes & Notes

Review of Minutes

2013-09-11: No minutes in document

2013-11-20: Moved: IAWG, Seconded: UMA; Motion carried

Executive Director's Report

Joni Brennan not present.  Referred to the Wiki.

Action Item Review


Assigned To




20130814-01Colin WallisOpenContact Peter Capek for any last edits to the PACColin completed his action, but no response from Peter
20130828-01Allan FosterOpenReach out to local U. Washington office re: potential internship 

Items reviewed - no progress reported

Review of Minutes

2013-09-11: No minutes in document

2013-11-20: Moved: IAWG, Seconded: UMA; Motion carried

Motions Up for Vote

Closure of TelcoID WG Vote

- Ingo requested to postpone the final closing date for a couple weeks to give a chance to conclude one last deliverable

- Postpone vote to next call


Operating Procedures & Rules for WG/DG Leadership

-  This item has been outstanding for a very long time & the initial motivation is unclear

  • Possibly: If a WG Leader is a non-member then they are not bound by the Kantara Operating Procedures therefore there is a risk
  • Unclear what the actual risk or concern is

- Discussion wandered due to the lack of a stated issue. Unless there’s clarity on the issue, the status quo seems to work well.

-  Sal to report back to Board that LC is OK with current state

CISWG Charter

-          Chairs of ISWG not on the call – attempted to reach out to have them walk through the Charter. Discussion deferred.

-          eGov Charter: some comments provided, Colin to take draft back to eGov group. Please provide comments to Colin.

Marketing Events

-          Action: Sal poll members for who is planning to attend EIC

-          UMA is planning to arrange workshop and sessions

-          Consider items that Kantara might be impacted by as sources for sessions/workshops

Work Group Updates

-          eGov – Presentation from Patrick Curry on Maxsa (cyber situational awareness). Might be an opportunity for an IAF Profile & Approval program

-          IoT DG – working on use cases & sub-use cases to ensure coverage.

-          HIAWG – progress on sharpening of focus for feasibility study to allow forward progress

-          IAWG – moving the IAF to 45 day public review; progress being made on Modular IAF work; special meeting this week on FICAM TFS updates/feedback

-          AIM – no update

Board of Trustees Liasion Update

-          no call since last LC meeting

-          agenda for this week’s meeting – annual renewals for Approved CSPs coming through now; lots of outreach to other industry consortia;


Meeting adjourned at 17:15 PST