LC telecon Minutes 2013-12-04
LC telecon 2013-12-04
Date and Time
- Date: Wednesday, 04 December 2013
- Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 21:00 UTC (time chart)
- Dial-in: Skype:+99051000000481
- US Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350 | Room Code: 402-2737
- For more dial-in information, see:
- Roll Call
- Approve Minutes: DRAFT LC telecon Minutes 2013-09-11, LC telecon Minutes 2013-11-20
- Administration:
- Action Item Review
- Executive Director Report - see Executive Director's Corner
- Voting
- Closure of TelcoID WG
- Discussion
- Operating Procedures and the rules for WG/DG leadership
- WG recharter efforts
- InfoSharing WG -
- Marketing updates
- Planning for a Kantara Plenary meeting (potentially at EIC plenary in Munich?)
- Marketing and Outreach
- WG Updates
- BoT Liaison Representative Update
- Adjourn
Pete Palmer (HIAWG)
Andrew Hughes (IAWG)
Eve Maler (UMAWG)
Ingo Friese (IDoT)
Colin Wallis (eGOV)
Sal D’Agostino (AIMWG)
Quorum is 5 of 8 as of 22 May 2013.
Quorum reached.
Minutes & Notes
Review of Minutes
2013-09-11: No minutes in document
2013-11-20: Moved: IAWG, Seconded: UMA; Motion carried
Executive Director's Report
Joni Brennan not present. Referred to the Wiki.
Action Item Review
Action | Assigned To | Status | Description | Comments |
20130814-01 | Colin Wallis | Open | Contact Peter Capek for any last edits to the PAC | Colin completed his action, but no response from Peter |
20130828-01 | Allan Foster | Open | Reach out to local U. Washington office re: potential internship | |
Items reviewed - no progress reported
Review of Minutes
2013-09-11: No minutes in document
2013-11-20: Moved: IAWG, Seconded: UMA; Motion carried
Motions Up for Vote
Closure of TelcoID WG Vote
- Ingo requested to postpone the final closing date for a couple weeks to give a chance to conclude one last deliverable
- Postpone vote to next call
Operating Procedures & Rules for WG/DG Leadership
- This item has been outstanding for a very long time & the initial motivation is unclear
- Possibly: If a WG Leader is a non-member then they are not bound by the Kantara Operating Procedures therefore there is a risk
- Unclear what the actual risk or concern is
- Discussion wandered due to the lack of a stated issue. Unless there’s clarity on the issue, the status quo seems to work well.
- Sal to report back to Board that LC is OK with current state
CISWG Charter
- Chairs of ISWG not on the call – attempted to reach out to have them walk through the Charter. Discussion deferred.
- eGov Charter: some comments provided, Colin to take draft back to eGov group. Please provide comments to Colin.
Marketing Events
- Action: Sal poll members for who is planning to attend EIC
- UMA is planning to arrange workshop and sessions
- Consider items that Kantara might be impacted by as sources for sessions/workshops
Work Group Updates
- eGov – Presentation from Patrick Curry on Maxsa (cyber situational awareness). Might be an opportunity for an IAF Profile & Approval program
- IoT DG – working on use cases & sub-use cases to ensure coverage.
- HIAWG – progress on sharpening of focus for feasibility study to allow forward progress
- IAWG – moving the IAF to 45 day public review; progress being made on Modular IAF work; special meeting this week on FICAM TFS updates/feedback
- AIM – no update
Board of Trustees Liasion Update
- no call since last LC meeting
- agenda for this week’s meeting – annual renewals for Approved CSPs coming through now; lots of outreach to other industry consortia;
Meeting adjourned at 17:15 PST