2015-01-15 Meeting Notes

2015-01-15 Meeting Notes


Jan 15, 2015

Not Quorate: Apologies for messy notes


Action Items

  • Mark Lizar Reach out to Oliver and Joni about Git Hub account
  • John Wunderlich to transpose onto Git Hub
  • Heather Flanagan to draft a little how to for collaboratively working on the spec on the wiki
  • Mark Lizar a list of items describing the value, use and merits of this work to discuss and develop on the mailing list


    1. Git Hub & Git Hub Process Review
    2. Creating A Git Hub Repository
    3. Editor Disciusion and Nominations
    4.  Tabled - Scope of MVCR
    5. Format and sections to the Specification 
    6. Tabled items
      1. (tabled and directed towards the mailing list) Displaying list of collected PII comment?  Defining what is SPII ? 
      2. (tabled and directed towards the mailing list) Core Extensions - Beyond the MVCR
        1. Consent Legal Framework
      3. (tabled and directed towards the mailing list) Contextual Check List - the formula for creating it. 
      4. (tabled and directed towards the mailing list)  The brief for making the MVCR web application 


  1. Action Item @mark will send mail to list asking for people send git hub user names if they wish to contribute
  • Heather Chatted with John about managing the Git Hub account and being the editor. This is great, 
  • Mark nominate to add Heather to be Cheif Spec Editor, and that we further define editor titles, with Mary & John being Review Editor. 
  • Ann a new joining member aslo expressed intereste in being an associate editor
  • Mark nominated Ann to be a an Editor. Mark will follow up with 


Action Item: Former user (Deleted) will work on the format of the Spec next week. 


Next call

Action Items

@mark lizar - to ask marissa to help with editor nomination and structuring 

Mark Lizar (Unlicensed)