2015-10-12 Meeting Notes CISWG User Terms Meeting
2015-10-12 Meeting Notes CISWG User Terms Meeting
Oct 12, 2015 – 12noon PT / 3pm ET / 8pm GMT
- Sarah Squire
- John Wunderlich
- Mark Lizar (Unlicensed)
- Justin Richer
Goals / Agenda
Kicking off the work
- Joining the Kantara CISWG group for new folks
Signing the IPR policy for contributors, https://kantarainitiative.org/about/ipr/
Collaborative model with consensus
User Terms name
- "allowable uses"
- "user submitted terms"
- "terms of engagement"
- "term negotiation"
- Testing with user groups? marketing? who is our target?
- potential for user terms to specify the kind of consent receipt they want?
- Customer commons partnership
Legal side of terms: 2nd and 4th Mondays of the Month
Engineering side of terms: 1st and 3rd Mondays of the Month
Discussion Items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
Action Items
- @maryhodder commits to creating wiki pages for the group in prep mtg next week and email out to group
- @maryhodder will begin a scope and will send to John W for comments – then email to the group
, multiple selections available,