2015-04-16 Minutes


Apr 17, 2015


1. Roll Call

  • Mark Lizar
  • Iain Henderson
  • Heather Flanagan
  • John Wunderlich
  • Steve Olshansky

Call at Quorum

2. Action Items
  - BoT Update
Kantara has offered $3K in funding; Mark to follow up with the board on
any reporting requirements

  - Funding
       - Grant Writing - Match proposal  - MARY
(Mary is not on the call for an update)

       - Other Proposals (Heather & Mark - Update)
No update; come back to this next week

  - LC-Update : Social Media Policy Passed (Do we need a logo?)
        - Executive Director Report - see Executive Director's Corner
  - Confirmation that the MVCR has been input to SG ISO29100
Mark to send what was submitted to the list
  - Open Notice Website: Social Advocacy for Consent & Open Notice
Ecosystem: (Take a look http://opennotice.org/check)

  - Status: V0.7 Draft
Mark working on updates that include the wireframes; also will be
following up with Macjek from UMA.  Wants to get an RFP out for anyone
that wants to work on the consent receipt generator. Mark to send
exactly what was approved in terms of funding to the list, and the terms
and conditions from Kantara that feed into the use of that money. Goal
is to have a Sow/Business Requirements Document/brief drafted by next call.
We need a spec with the core format, one use case (site registration),
and a simple user interface.

  - IDESG Update

  - TOSBack2 and its need for a home
TOSBack2 - collects and archives privacy policies and terms of service,
and provides a mechanism to compare them. Currently maintained by ISOC
and the EFF.  Some development has happened over the last year,
including the development of a richer API. There is an instance running
(tosback.eff.org) but it needs to move to a more robust site and funding
to support it in production.  Might be a good fit for the Open Notice
registry. To just maintain it, looking at USD$10-20K; future development
of course would add to that amount.  Possibly looking at a consortium
approach, to get across a variety of jurisdictions. Feed all discussion
of consortium support for this work through Steve Olshansky.

  - A.O.U. -

3. Planning the next two weeks on v0.7
  - Kantara MVCR Update
       - Technical spec development
       - Website Generator Brief and RFP

4. AOB
IIW - very successful; talked about developing the technical side of the
specification; it currently describes what it wants to do but the
technical aspects of how need to be fleshed out. Justin will be able to
put some time towards this (JSON model and common core and how it will
work with OpenID (that latter is out of spec for MVCR, but still of
interest as later work))

Put on the agenda for next week, a follow up on the discussion regarding
the open notice registry space.