2015-06-08 Meeting Notes - Quarate

2015-06-08 Meeting Notes - Quarate


Jun 08, 2015




(call at quorum)


Motion to accept and move the contract forward.
John so moved, Heather seconded; group unanimous

- We are reviewing comments on the MVCR use case and demonstrator,
Need a defined legal use case (in progress)

- taking a vote to move it forward.
Action item: Mark to send a note to Marissa to move ahead with the
contract (see motion made above)

- remove SoW from website?
quote received and contract in place; SoW may be removed
Oliver will implement consent receipt generator on Kantara wiki, and it
will be hosted at consentreceipt.org
Will leave the SoW to help answer questions regarding terms. See

Other items:
Iain still working on the diagram and the data types. See diagram posted
to the mailing list @ 6 June 2015, 13:12 PDT and update sent 6 June
2015, 13:28 PDT.
* should this be a two-party or a three-party transaction? Original
intent was two-party, but current diagram shows three-party. Suggest
that we need to add the two-party option as a feature. (Action item:
Mark to add this to the issues list)

ISO may be receptive to fast-tracking the consent receipt standard. Alex
to follow up and send contact info to the list.

June 23 or 24, Kantara will be having a virtual plenary. This will be
open to all participants.

The Kantara UMA WG is also now talking about consent receipts; join the
Thursday UMA call to participate in that discussion

Action item: Heather to fully review v0.7 and make sure the terminology
is consistent and establish a reference section. Suggest reviewing the
draft with an eye also towards whether the use case document should be
incorporated into this doc (it will depend on how self-explanatory the
existing text is)

As people hear about conferences that may be a good place to shop the
consent receipt idea, please post to the list. (e.g., Privacy
Commissioner's Conference)

Action Items
