2015-11-12 Meeting Notes: Ad Hoc Consent Receipt.
2015-11-12 Meeting Notes: Ad Hoc Consent Receipt.
- Justin
- Iain -
- Mark
- Presentation of what we have now is good for the website.
- growth should be in the direction of pick a language, pick a library,
- three things to present
- api check and see what api does
- i consentreceipt. button example
- source code : creating the internal receipt generator for consent receipt.org
- PHP - Oliver on this
- Java - ?
- Python ?
- Concentrate on implementation support - Great Advice!
- discussing the first party use case, but agree that its out of scope of the consent receipt website and consent receipt.org.
- what do people do with consent receipts? how to demonstrate its value, not just its production? its a start but need to show value
- Clear this is out of scope of the consent receipt.org and the spec.
- github
- Play with it
- should we give out a consent receipt on the site first?
- answer was yes, good ides
- can we do this with a news letter?
- good idea
- progress next week