TI WG 2012-05-31 Teleconference
TI WG 2012-05-31 Teleconference
Kantara TI WG , Thu 31 May. 2012
- Date: Thu 31 May. '12
- Gaël Gourmelen, Orange-FT (voting)
- Ingo Friese, DT (voting)
- Jonas Högberg, Ericsson (voting)
- Keith, Sal
1. Roll Call
Quorum was met with 3 out of 4 voting members present.
2. Minute Taker
Minutes were taken by Gaël Gourmelen.
3. Amendments/Modifications to the Agenda
4. Approval of MoM
Meeting minutes from the previous call were approved TI WG 2012-05-03 Teleconference. Gaël moves, Ingo seconds.
5. Chair positions
Co-chair propositions : Jonas and Ingo. Jonas will contact the Kantara staff to initiate the process.
6. Charter
The charter has been updated by keith : New Charter (Draft)
The modifications have been approved (Jonas moved to approve the new charter, Gaël seconded).
7. Ongoing work update
- Telco Reqs. for IdM,
- Network APIs State-of-the-Art for IdM,
- Cook Book for Massively Scalable Telco IdM Systems,
- REST SOAP Harmonisation
The document has been approved by the KI TI WG (Jonas moved, Ingo seconded).
New Action Point : Gaël to get in touch with Dervla to get some information on the approval process by LC and confirmation on the relevant type of document (report vs recommendation).
- Kantara version of IMS & DigId WP; and
- Web-site login from smart-phone.
GBA push section provided by Ingo. To be integrated into the master copy of the document.
8. DT R&D Project on cross-operator Identity services
Update provided by Ingo. Bilateral discussions initiated by Ingo with different actors to make progress.
9. Misc
Dial in line is changing from this call forward. See Line C details below.
10. Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 17:00 CET.
Next Meeting
- Teleconference
- Date: 28.06.2012.
* US Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350 | Conference ID: 178-2540