TI WG 2012-01-12 Teleconference

TI WG 2012-01-12 Teleconference

Kantara TI WG Teleconference, Th. 12 Jan. '12


  • Date: Th. 12 Jan. '12


  • Gaël Gourmelen, Orange-FT (voting)
  • Ingo Friese, DT (voting)
  • Jonas Högberg, Ericsson (voting)
  • Keith Uber, Ubisecure (voting)
  • Sal D'Agostino, IDMachines LLC (non-voting)




- Roll Call

- Minute taker

- Amendments/modifications to the agenda

- MoM to approve from our teleconference on 15 Dec. '12.

-  Review of 2012

AP review (leading into next item) 
- Ongoing work update:
•         Telco Reqs. for IdM,

•         Network APIs State-of-the-Art for IdM,

•         Cook Book for Massively Scalable Telco IdM Systems,

•         REST SOAP Harmonisation,

•         KI version of IMS & DigId WP; and

•         ENISA WP – Web-site login from smart-phone.

- DT R&D project on WAC Cross Operator

- Next F2F

- Next teleconferences

- AoB

- Adjourn


1. Roll Call

Quorum was met with 4 out of 4 voting members present.

2. Minute Taker

Minutes were taken by Keith Uber.

3. Amendments/Modifications to the Agenda

- none

4. Approval of MoM

Minutes from the telecon held on 15 Dec. '11 were approved by unanimous consent. Gaël moved, Jonas seconded, unanimous consent - no discussion.

5. Year in review 2012


Gaël: We have been trying to do due too many similar related tasks at the same time, and should make an effort to prioritize and concentrate more energy on fewer tasks.

Jonas: Many things have been in an almost ready state for too long. These need to be taken care of.

6. AP Review


ACTION POINT: 20111117-01: Ingo to provide the group with the updated version of Cross Operator project with more introductory text.-

ACTION POINT: 20111117-02: All to review the massively multiscale video/ppt again with a view to chapter selection. Keith to review the skeleton cook book document more closely and flesh out chapters before further diving the work between participants.

ACTION POINT: 20111215-01: Sal to dig up white paper from AT&T on IdM.(DONE)

ACTION POINT: 20111215-02: Sal to contact Verizon to see their interest in our WG. (DONE, waiting response)


ACTION POINT: 20110210-01: Jonas and Gael to put forward the revised and proofread IMS document to the Kantara Leadership Council for approval. To request the help of Anna to ensure correct process for the ballot.

ACTION POINT: 20110728-02: Jonas to complete Network APIs conclusion chapter. The conclusion could include a table summarizing the various APIs by functionality and protocol.

ACTION POINT: 20110922-04: Keith to update cookbook with diagrams on possible federation pattern as a discussion starter for ISA approach.


7. Ongoing Work Update


Jonas has done some work since the last call and hopes to complete this in one week's time.


Jonas has done some work since the last call, has added some statements on authentication methods used for the APIs
to do: a table of compare and contrast, still pending


Action point 20111117-02 is done, but decision has not been made on what chapters to work on.
Keith, Gael  and Jonas (IDP Scaling) have selected chapters.
Others must choose a chapter and start work.

ACTION POINT: 20110922-04

- Keith to share the document he made
- Keith to distribute skeleton document


Gaël has finalized the text, but still to do an architecture picture. After that it will be ready for comments from telco group before formalization
new version for next call.

Kantara version of IMS & DigId White Paper:

Jonas will distribute a new version before end of next week, before trip abroad.


No response from Marnix of ENISA

All four voting members agreed that we will write a Kantara Technical Report on SIM based authentication, we have a skeleton already to do the work.


ACTION POINT: 20111215-01: Sal to dig up white paper from AT&T on IdM.
sal has done this.
sal requests feedback
good to see north American participation

ACTION POINT: 20111215-02: Sal to contact Verizon to see their interest in our WG.
sal has contacted Verizon and will inform if he hears back

8. DT R&D Project on WAC Cross Operator

Ingo can send the proposal draft today or tomorrow to the call participants
The content is now finalized
Ingo would like to give us the document as a review before giving it to a wider audience – for example for seeking management approval for project participation
Last slides have listed potential project partners. Is it ok to mention proposed partners?
Ingo will distribute tomorrow by email.

Welcomes feedback. Kickoff plans and timeline are mentioned in the presentation.

9. Next F2F

F2F in Berlin at DT (Mid April, in conjunction with DT project kickoff ). F2F would include a half day (or a day) workshop kick-off for DT's IdM R&D project.

F2F Helsinki at Ubisecure in 6 weeks time prior to DT event.

10. Next Teleconferences

Jonas will not be on the next two calls, possibly three.

Gaël will run the next call, but will be away on 9.2.2012.

11. AOB

Current call time is still OK for everyone.

12. Adjourn

 Meeting adjourned at 16:59 CET.

Next Meeting

  • Next Conf. Call:
  • Date: Th. 26 Jan '12 
  • Time: 07:00 PST | 10:00 EST | 15:00 UTC/GMT | 16:00 CET (Time Chart)