TI WG 2012-01-26 Teleconference

TI WG 2012-01-26 Teleconference

Kantara TI WG Teleconference, Th. 26 Jan. '12


  • Date: Th. 26 Jan. '12


  • Gaël Gourmelen, Orange-FT (voting)
  • Ingo Friese, DT (voting)
  • Keith Uber, Ubisecure (voting)
  • Sal D'Agostino, IDMachines LLC (non-voting)


- Jonas Högberg, Ericsson (voting)


* Roll Call
* Minute Taker
* Amendments/modifications to the agenda

* MoM to approve from our teleconference on 12 Jan ‘12.

* AP review (leading into next item)

* Agenda for the next plenary

* DT R&D project on Cross Operator IdM (see Ingo’s email)

* Ongoing work update:

  • Telco Reqs. for IdM,
  • Network APIs State-of-the-Art for IdM,
  • Cook Book for Massively Scalable Telco IdM Systems,
  • REST SOAP Harmonisation,
  • Kantara version of IMS & DigId WP; and
  • ENISA WP – Web-site login from smart-phone.

* Next F2F (Berlin, Munich, Helsinki, etc.)

* Next teleconference,
* AoB
* Adjourn


1. Roll Call

Quorum was met with 3 out of 4 voting members present.

2. Minute Taker

Minutes were taken by Keith Uber.

3. Amendments/Modifications to the Agenda


4. Approval of MoM
5. AP Review


ACTION POINT: 20110210-01: Jonas and Gael to put forward the revised and proofread IMS document to the Kantara Leadership Council for approval. To request the help of Anna to ensure correct process for the ballot.

ACTION POINT: 20110728-02: Jonas to complete Network APIs conclusion chapter. The conclusion could include a table summarizing the various APIs by functionality and protocol.

ACTION POINT: 20110922-04: Keith to update cookbook with diagrams on possible federation pattern as a discussion starter for ISA approach.


6. Agenda for the next plenary

Please provide feedback and your preferences to book slots for our work group.

7. DT R&D project on Cross Operator IdM

Ingo presented DT R&D project on Cross Operator Identity Management. Please provide feedback.

8. Ongoing Work Update


10. Next Teleconferences

Gaël will not be on the next call.

Keith will run the next call.

11. AOB


12. Adjourn

 Meeting adjourned.

Next Meeting

  • Next Conf. Call:
  • Date: Th. 09 Feb '12 
  • Time: 07:00 PST | 10:00 EST | 15:00 UTC/GMT | 16:00 CET (Time Chart)