HIA WG Concall 2012-01-05 Minutes

HIA WG Concall 2012-01-05 Minutes

Kantara HIAWG Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Thursday, January 05, 2012
  • Time: 10am PST | 1pm EST | 5pm UTC | 7pm CEST (Time Chart)


  • David Chartash
  • David Kibbe
  • Anna Ticktin
  • Bill Braithwaite
  • Bob Pinheiro
  • Daniel Bennett
  • Laurie Tull
  • Rick Moore
  • John Fraser
  • Pete Palmer
  • Dan Combs
  • David Batchelor
  • Rich Furr
  • Lara ZImberoff


  • No apologies


  1. Intro
    1. Roll Call
    2. Approval of Minutes
  2. Speaker, David Kibbe, DirectTrust.org, Chair, Organizational Committee
  3. Other Business
  4. Adjourn


1. Intro

a. Roll Call: see above

b. Approval of Minutes:

12/8 Minutes approved by unanimous consent

12/22 Notes approved by unanimous consent

2. Speaker, David Kibbe, DirectTrust.org, Chair, Organizational Committee

Pete Palmer: David Kibbe, former Chair of Rules of the Road WG of Direct Project, is now chair of directtrust.org. David has taken the lead to try to get sustainability for the Direct effort.

David Kibbe: I’m a family physician who detoured into the world of health IT about 20 years ago. I am not an IT or identity expert, so I appreciate all the work that Kantara has done. Our web presence is currently at directtrust.wikispaces.com. I’m not representing the organization just yet as it is still in the process of being formed. This project goes back to a series of discussions in 2011 after the Direct Project had been officially announced by ONC, and HIEs throughout the country had been given instructions for implementation. I began to ask what I thought were fairly simple questions, such as, what is the trust framework that is suitable going to look like? I’m going to assume a fair amount of knowledge of the Direct Project amongst participants today. What happened was the people who seemingly were a lot more knowledgeable had a great variety of ideas about how a HISP servicing a group of subscribers would exchange certificates in a trustworthy manner. We began the Direct Project Rules of the Road WG with people who had been engaged in discussions about how Direct was to go forward. One of the things that we have been focused on is a way of allowing HISPs to assert that they are following security and trust best practices. The Rhode Island Quality Institute is a critical member of Rules of the Road. They were very forward in thinking the RI that they would build a trust community based on Direct. One of the roles that directtrust.org has played is to offer up an accreditation program, or set of criteria HISP or purchasers could use to measure basic security components of their offering.

Pete Palmer: The ONC has set up Meaningful Use criteria for various stages to implement health IT. One of the struggles that the industry has had is the IHE standards have existed for a decade, and ONC states they have not seen traction and want to get messaging going, which is where Direct came from.

David Kibbe: That background is important. This is really focused on Direct exchange context, which is provider to provider and ultimately provider to patient messaging that is secure. PKI is used to support the signing  and encryption of messages, end to end. The Direct Project and Direct exchange is part of NwHIN. There’s a bit of a vacuum with respect to participants in the industry and the federal governance and regulatory framework that will ultimately guide that industry. One of the reasons people have joined this wiki is because ONC wanted separation from the Direct project, and members felt it best to create a non-profit, which is how directtrust.org came about. We have 2 active WGs right now, Security and Trust Compliance and Certificate Policy and Practices WG. We have a lot of activity. WGs are meeting once, sometimes twice a week. We have an organizational committee. I would imagine that by the end of January, we will be incorporated as a non-profit.

Dan Combs: How is organization set up? Is it chartered by ONC or some other government agency?

David Kibbe: There is no overt or explicit support by ONC at this time. Directtrust is a group of willing participants. Many of the members of directtrust.org are of the opinion that it would be hard to imagine Direct growing and scaling without a group like ours working on all the moving pieces. If the Direct project is actually going to deliver, this kind of activity will need to be continued by someone.

3. Other Business

Dan Combs: Looking into having fee for ONC kiosk waived, and exploring possibilities for demo. Need to raise funds for travel, etc. if we plan to attend.

4. Adjourn

Next Meeting

  • Date: Thursday, February 2, 2012
  • Time: 10 am PDT | 1 pm EDT | 5 pm UTC | 7 pm CEST
  • Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350
  • Code: 613-2898