HIA WG Concall 2012-02-02

HIA WG Concall 2012-02-02

Kantara HIAWG Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Thursday, February 2, 2012
  • Time: 10am PST | 1pm EST | 5pm UTC | 7pm CEST (Time Chart)


  • Rick Moore
  • Rich Furr
  • David Chartash
  • Bob Pinheiro
  • Bill Braithwaite
  • Laurie Tull
  • Pete Palmer
  • David Batchelor
  • Dan Combs
  • Barry Hieb
  • Anna Ticktin
  • Lara ZImberoff


  • John Fraser


  1. Intro
    1. Roll Call
    2. Approval of Minutes
  2. Update on CMS Grant
  3. Brainstorming on new funding mechanisms
    1. New funding for eCitizen to continue into prototype and deployment
    2. Recruitment of partnerships to help on development and deployment to lower costs
  4. HIA WG Participation in Kantara F2F April 13-14 in Germany
  5. Other Business
  6. Adjourn


1. Intro

a. Roll Call: see above

b. Approval of Minutes:

Rick Moore motioned to approve amended minutes (remove question marks and replace with "Security and Trust Compliance and Certificate Policy"). Bob Pinheiro seconded. Minutes approved by unanimous consent

2. Update on CMS Grant

Rick: HIMSS February 20-24 in Las Vegas. A number of us will be there, if you’re interested in getting together, please send an email for the chairs. The activities of the past few weeks have been managed mostly by Dan Combs of eCitizen.

Dan: We’ve been trying to put together a demo for HIMSS. One of things they did not tell us in the original application process was that the kiosk space would cost $15,000, so we did notify them that we would not be able to participate this year in the ONC demonstration space. We’ll know better to plan in advance next year if the same opportunity is available. CMS has also stood up an innovation center with the goal of improving health and healthcare and reducing healthcare costs. They have also been able to put together a pretty sizable fund to provide grants. Unfortunately I heard about this later than many others, so we had a very short timeframe in which to put an application together to submit. We had a really strong group that was able to participate and discuss how to include PIDS in the proposal. We worked for several weeks to get the application put together for the grant, but unfortunately, came to the conclusion that we couldn’t get a quality proposal out the door in time. Fortunately, CMS expects there will be another application round in August during which we can leverage the work we’ve already done.

Pete: Has anything changed in light of the NSTIC announcement yesterday?

Dan: I don’t believe that anything has changed. It’s always been my intent that we would put something together based on PIDS to apply for one of the grants.

Pete: Will the project plan be applied to the SSO?

Dan: Probably not. In some ways, there is cross-over, but CMS has a much bigger fund for grants. NSTIC has a fairly limited about of funds available.

Rick: Will we submit a proposal to NSTIC for PIDS?

Dan: That is the intention.

Rick: Should a meeting time be set up?

Dan: I will try to get something set up pretty quickly. I can send out a notice to the group and determine who wants to participate.

Rick: Please contact Dan if you’re interested in participating.

Barry: What do you anticipate the schedule being for the CMS August submission?

Dan: We need to continue working. Barry was very helpful in getting people involved who have been very helpful so far. We were focused on three different efforts. To meet the requirements of CMS, it was critical to come up with a healthcare practice, partner, organization or entity that was actually conducting healthcare in order to make the proposal work. We need a strong healthcare participating partner for the effort. We are starting to work on the schedule of how we’ll proceed. The work will go on from here.

3. Brainstorming on new funding mechanisms


4. HIA WG Participation in Kantara F2F April 13-14 in Germany

Pete: There is a F2F meeting in Munich in April for Kantara. It was put on the agenda because the Kantara staff is trying to schedule different time slots for the meeting. Is anyone in the group interested in participating or planning on attending?

Lara: Kantara staff has also proposed meeting via WebEx or otherwise participating remotely if there isn’t a representative from the group available to attend in person.

Pete: I think we should plan to participate to promote the work we’re doing.

Rick: The leadership of this effort will probably involve Dan. Dan, your thoughts?

Dan dropped off call

Rick: Let’s plan on participating.

Lara: I will have Pete notify the Leadership Council on the next call that the HIA WG would like to be slated on the agenda.

Dan: Would be happy to assist with the presentation.

5. Other Business

Dan: putting together a conference at the University of Texas Center for Health Identity on April 23 and 24. There is a call for papers – please feel free to submit papers if you are interested in participating. I will try to find some info on the event on the web and distribute to the group.

Rick: Promoting PIDS?

Dan: That would be my preference, but we are covering a wide range of identity issues, not limited to patient identity.

Rick: HIA WG believes a letter to legislators urging them to move forward with creating a patient ID to be used nationwide so that we can continue our work in electronic healthcare.

Dan: Suggest letter be drafted asap for distribution to and approval by the group.

Discussion about what language should be incorporated and who should contribute.

6. Adjourn

Next Meeting

  • Date: Thursday, February 16, 2012
  • Time: 10 am PDT | 1 pm EDT | 5 pm UTC | 7 pm CEST
  • Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350
  • Code: 613-2898