LC telecon Notes 2012-05-30
LC telecon 2012-05-30
Call not at quorum
Date and Time
- Date: Wednesday, 30 May 2012
- Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 20:00 UTC (time chart)
- Call-in toll-free number: 1-866-203-0920
- Call-in number: 1-206-445-0056
- Conference Code: 5423695925#
- International Dial-In Numbers
- Roll Call
- Approve 2012-05-09 Minutes
- Administration:
- Executive Director report
- Action Item Review
- Quarterly Reports
- IAWG and LC Vice-Chair nomination now open
- Discussion
- Leadership Council to refine and approve a Venn diagram capturing the following classifications of Industries
- NSTIC Centric
- Non-NSTIC Centric
- Regulated
- Non-Regulated
- Unaffiliated
- Feedback and vote on AMDG Report
- Leadership Council to refine and approve a Venn diagram capturing the following classifications of Industries
- WG Updates
- BoT Liaison Representative Update
- Adjourn
- Pete Palmer
- Bob Pinheiro
- Colin Soutar
- Colin Wallis
- Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Quorum is 6 of 10 as of 13 August 2011.
- Dervla O'Reilly
- Heather Flanagan
- Patrick Curry - Trust Framework WG
- John Bradley
- Eve Maler
- Tom Smedinghoff
- Jonas Hogberg
Roll Call
Minutes & Notes
Administration: Approve 2012-05-09 Minutes
Not at quorum
Administration: Executive Director report
Administration: Action Item Review
Action | Assigned To | Status | Description | Comments |
20120425-01 | all LC | Complete | Overview of the Operating Procedures by the next meeting and provide input back to list | declaring this Complete since LC conversation seems to be done |
20120425-02 | Heather Flanagan | In Progress | collect and coordinate input on changes to make to the operating agreement | will start now that we have declared the discussion period done |
20120425-03 | Joni Brennan | Open | Provide cohesive statement to LC regarding Kantara Mission for subsequent dissemination and discussion with WG |
20120509-01 | all LC | Open | Review the AMDG Final Report (sent to LC list 08-May) in prep for vote on 23-May |
20120509-02 | Pete Palmer | Complete | Send info to LC list regarding a combined WG of UMA, P3 WB | Complete |
New Action Items
Action | Assigned To | Status | Description | Comments |
20120530-01 | Dervla O'Reilly | Open | Contact Japan WG chair regarding LC voting participation | |
20120530-02 | Pete Palmer | Open | One page position paper identifying the position on the identity assurance framework and assessor program should be put on equal footing for RFP for health and human services | |
20120530-03 | Colin Soutar | Open | Solicit feedback from NSTIC DG regarding industry classification and how Kantara should participate in NSTIC | |
20120530-04 | Patrick Curry, Colin Wallis, Joni Brennan, Ken Dagg | Open | Come up with first pass of industry classification and Venn diagram | |
20120530-05 | Dervla O'Reilly | Open | Send out e-vote regarding accepting AMDG report as a Kantara document |
Administration: Quarterly Reports
Dervla following up with hold overs; Heather to take over the AMDG report)
Administration: IAWG and Vice-Chair nomination now open
- Joni will open up a call for nominations for vice-chair, Myisha to open up call for nominations in IAWG
Discussion: Leadership Council to refine and approve a Venn diagram capturing the following classifications of Industries
Note from Joni's email:
> An action for the LC was captured in the Munich Face2Face meeting asking the LC to discuss and create a Venn diagram to help better understand the positioning of different interested in their relation (or non-relation) to NSTIC. (see below)
> ACTION:2012-04-13-04 - Leadership Council to refine and approve a Venn diagram capturing the following classifications of Industries
> - NSTIC Centric
> - Non-NSTIC Centric
> - Regulated
> - Non-Regulated
> - Unaffiliated
> Colin, Mikael and Jonas were also present at the meeting so I'm kindly asking if you have some more context on this request to please provide. This activity would be related to the NSTIC DG activity to create a position paper and 'agenda' of Kantara works and activities which apply to the NSTIC developing steering group.
- Notion was to extend the classification of industries as is currently found on our website, to help the Kantara membership would want to engage in the NSTIC program, and which would not find it relevant to them; by using current NSTIC program classifications, we would have to take a limiting position regarding NSTIC which would in turn impact our participation as a framework provider; the value propositions change depending on one's perspective;
- not sure who the target audience for this, other than an internal working tool to better understand our constituency, this would be a classic membership analysis
- where is the value proposition discussion happening within Kantara? This is what the NSTIC discussion group is meant to be for and Colin Soutar will take the request to come up with the diagram and discuss the value proposition as it applies to Kantara to the NSTIC group for feedback; is there a place other than the Steering Group of NSTIC that would even be appropriate for Kantara?
- Patrick and Colin W. will work on the classification / Venn diagram
Discussion: Feedback and vote on AMDG Report
- need an electronic vote to approve report - Dervla to send out the e-vote; individuals will have 7 days to respond
- if/when that document is approved, LC will need to determine which recommendation(s) Kantara will want to follow, since there were several recommendations that suggested creation of Kantara working groups
WG Updates
- Health Care - no updates at this time
- Consumer Identity - fizzled out a while ago, but there may be info in the UK Government Digital Service program out of the Cabinet Office that can revive this group
- P3 - active on 3 different fronts: an umbrella doc describing activities within group; working through specific FICAM assessment criteria; engaging a variety of parties in what P3 is doing and how the work relates externally, including OASIS, APEC, Working Group 5, others
- Trust Framework meta model - purpose was to develop a model that would include all trust framework details and allow you to compare and contrast different frameworks; there are currently 20-25 frameworks already included; need to include some business components to that to better understand risk paradigm and value proposition
- Business Cases for Trust Federations - may become absorbed in TFMM
- IAWG - completed vote for v 2.0 of the IAF and announcement went out for 45-day comment period; also working in conjunction with P3WG, HAWG regarding roadmap moving forward
BoT Liason Report
- no update
- Patrick Curry: ISO/IEC Joint Tech Committee 1, SC-27, WG-5 has a work item for a new standard of identity proofing and verification of persons, organizations, and devices; Patrick Curry and Tony Havelan (Microsoft) are working on this
Next Meeting
- Date: Wednesday, 6 June, 2012
- Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 20:00 UTC (time chart)