LC telecon Notes 2012-07-11
LC telecon 2012-07-11
Date and Time
- Date: Wednesday, 11 July 2012
- Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 20:00 UTC (time chart)
- Call-in toll-free number: 1-866-203-0920
- Call-in number: 1-206-445-0056
- Conference Code: 5423695925#
- International Dial-In Numbers
- Roll Call
- Approve LC telecon DRAFT Minutes 2012-06-2012
- Administration:
- Executive Director report
- Action Item Review
- Quarterly Reports
- Discussion
- Identity & Attribute combined group coordination (P3WG, HIAWG, IAWG, AMDG)
- KI position paper: NSTIC Steering Group Formation v0.2
- WG Updates
- BoT Liaison Representative Update
- Adjourn
- Tom Smedinghoff, P3WG
- Colin Soutar, Vice-chair, P3WG
- Bob Pinheiro, Consumer ID WG
- Pete Palmer, Chair, HIAWG
- Myisha Frazier-McElveen, IAWG
- Colin Wallis, eGov WG
Quorum is 6 of 11 as of 06 June 2012.
- Joni Brennan
- Heather Flanagan
- Heather Flanagan
- Eve Maler
Minutes & Notes
Administration: Approve 20 June 2012 LC Minutes
Call not at quorum
Administration: Executive Director report
- The KI put out a press release this week announcing the accreditation of Europoint, the first accredited assessor based in Europe
- The ARB seeing increased adoption, and currently working through a review of a service from Experian (an identity proofing service); working through another accreditation application for Zigma, and potentially 4-5 more in queue preparing their applications which will keep the ARB for the next 6 months
- The IRB is taking up a trail on revisions to the Identity Assurance Framework, which would address an pseudononymous approach; also will be doing a review of assessment criteria
- The BoT is going to have a meeting next week in Vail, CO on July 17; a separate ad hoc meeting planned for July 20, which will be a community session
- Announcement for registration for joint meeting of P3WG, IAWG, HIAWG, and AMDG, Aug 6-8 - note that space is limited, so please register soon
Administration: Action Item Review
Action | Assigned To | Status | Description | Comments |
20120425-02 | Heather Flanagan | In Progress | collect and coordinate input on changes to make to the operating agreement | Discussion on list, discussed on previous call; text still in progress |
20120425-03 | Joni Brennan | Open | Provide cohesive statement to LC regarding Kantara Mission for subsequent dissemination and discussion with WG |
20120509-01 | all LC | Complete | Review the AMDG Final Report (sent to LC list 08-May) in prep for vote on 23-May | No vote required. Closing item |
20120530-02 | Pete Palmer | Complete | One page position paper identifying the position on the identity assurance framework and assessor program should be put on equal footing for RFI for health and human services | RFI submitted; this will be an ongoing asset to help inform all future conversations in this space |
20120530-04 | Patrick Curry, Colin Wallis, Joni Brennan, Ken Dagg | In Progress | Come up with first pass of industry classification and Venn diagram | Draft out to list for discussion; no feedback received; maybe amend this in to a slide that is sector specific; put on agenda for Aug 6 leadership talk |
New Action Items
Action | Assigned To | Status | Description | Comments |
20120711-01 | Heather | Send out a doodle poll to the LC for 2 meetings regarding NSTIC strategy | first call to discuss what it means to have KI participate | |
20120711-02 | Heather, Joni | Review OP regarding dissolution of a working group and come back with a recommendation for Consumer ID |
Administration: Quarterly Reports
Q2 reports due: 31 July, 2012
- Currently only ones overdue are: Information Sharing WG and Open Source Support WG
- Open Source is lightly active; could use a minor ping
- Information Sharing is very active, but were focused on kickstarter campaign; could use a minor ping
IAWG, HIAWG, P3WG, AMDG coordination
- August 6 (Leadership closed session), 7-8 (open to group participants) Face to Face planning - DRAFT agenda
- would be useful to have a dedicated page on the wiki with relevant documents to inform the session
- on next LC call, talk about how the LC should coordinate work efforts
KI position paper: NSTIC Steering Group Formation v0.2
Comment pulled from note to LC from Joni Brennan 10-July-2012
Kantara will need to understand who will attend to represent Kantara (I plan to at least) and which stakeholder group Kantara plans to identify with for the NSTIC Management Council formation. One group must be chosen for the Management Council voting but beyond that Kantara can get involved in any activity.
Questions to consider:
- Which group should KI affiliate with of the possible stakeholder groups? That will/may be necessary to be considered for the NSTIC Management Council.
- might be appropriate to aim for the At-Large position if they still exist rather than attempt to pigeonhole itself in to one group
- What direction should KI be voting in?
- If someone is going to nominate KI to be part of the management council, would it be appropriate for KI to accept?
- KI will offer the KI ARB and IRB programs to fill the potential accreditation needs for NSTIC. What else should we offer/ask?
It is highly unlikely that they will force any decisions to be made between now and their August meeting, which gives the LC some time to consider the questions above.
eGov could be in either RP, International Coordination, or Interoperability
Need to schedule two standalone meetings to discuss further, one before Aug 13, one after the Aug 13 meeting; HF to schedule
- Aug 13 attendance: Tom, Colin S, Joni (Joni to represent KI)
WG Updates
- P3WG - continuing to have a variety of guest presenters at the meeting to discuss a variety of topics, which has been helpful in stimulating discussion; in off-weeks continuing to work through issues on privacy assessment criteria doc with respect to FICAM
- IAWG - very active time; coming to the end of the Kantara Assessment report review; discussing pseudonymous credential; looking at value proposition assoc with the IAF and leveraging the work of Kantara across different use cases and sectors; looking at a revision to align with 863-1; relying party considerations and guidelines is coming up for review in Q4
- AMDG - working on draft charter to turn this in to a working group, should have a draft by Aug 7-8
- Consumer ID WG - no activity to report; need to discuss if group should continue to exist; consider transitioning to become a Discussion Group or transition to become a discussion point within another working group; original idea was that this group would cover identity theft, which had been a topic of Liberty Alliance
BoT Liason Report
- Had a meeting in which they awarded accreditation for Europoint; high level agenda items currently under discussion include financial reporting and long-term viability, certification program marketing, value propositions, review of governance and by-laws
- Secretary transition in 2 weeks; HF is taking on the technical support role for Kantara and will need to transition the secretary role to a new elected person