LC telecon Minutes 2012-12-19

LC telecon Minutes 2012-12-19

Minutes approved, 2013-01-09

LC telecon 2012-12-19

Date and Time


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve Minutes: LC telecon Minutes 2012-11-07
  3. Administration:
    1. Executive Director report
    2. Action Item Review
    3. Quarterly Reports
    4. LC Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary nominations
    5. New BoT Liaison
  4. Discussion and Votes
    1. IAF Documents - Identity Assurance Framework - Working Drafts
    2. Budget Request process - report from subcommittee
    3. Subscriber versus Member (non-voting versus voting)
  5. WG Updates
  6. BoT Liaison Representative Update
  7. AOB
  8. Adjourn


  • Colin Wallis
  • Andrew Hughes
  • Colin Soutar
  • Patrick Curry
  • Jonas Hogberg
  • Allan Foster
  • John Bradley
  • Pete Palmer

Quorum is 6 of 10 as of 06 June 2012.


  • Heather Flanagan (scribe)



  • Eve Maler
  • Pete Palmer

Minutes & Notes

MotionIDMotionMovedSecondDiscussion / ObjectionStatus
20121219-01Move to approve the LC telecon Minutes 2012-11-07FIWG (Allan Foster)IAWG (Andrew Hughes)No ObjectionsAPPROVED

Executive Director report

  • Postponed

Action Item Review


Assigned To




20121107-01Pete Palmer, Heather FlanaganOpenWork with WG chairs for quarterly reports update.All overdue WG and DG chairs notified
20121107-02Heather Flanagan, Joni BrennanCompleteNote to insert link to BoT 2012-11-01 minutes once they are up in draft.Completed 19 Dec 2012

Discussion of Action Items

Action Item Review


Assigned To




20120530-04Patrick Curry, Colin Wallis, Joni Brennan, Ken DaggIn ProgressCome up with first pass of industry classification and Venn diagramAdded: Sal D'Agostino, Andrew Hughes, Rainer Hoerbe

Note that the Venn Diagram is potentially more important now than it had been in the past; adding Andrew, Sal to the list of people working on this; this properly falls on the Trust Framework Sustainment group

    • Andrew has a doc also in progress that can be added to the discussion
    • Should consider adding Rainer Hoerbe to the conversation as the author of the Trust Framework Metamodel

Quarterly Reports

See Quarterly Reports

  • All overdue WG and DG chairs notified
  • Currently still overdue: FIWG*, HIAWG*, IAWG*, InfoSharing WG, Japan WG*, NSTIC DG* ("*" means group is 2 quarters past due)
  • See NSTIC DG discussion under AOG


  • Note that there are currently 2 nominees for Leadership Council leadership; we had discussed holding these nominations and keeping the nomination period open in to January to cover those WG that would be having their own WG Chair elections
    • HF to send out notice that nomination period stay open until Jan 13; election start on 15th, close on the 22nd

BoT Liaison

  • Pete Palmer has asked to step down as BoT Liaison; Allan has agreed to step up to fill that roll; by acclimation, LC has agreed
  • HF to verify whether the By-Laws allow for a non-LC KI member to act as LC-BoT liaison



MotionIDMotionMovedSecondDiscussion / ObjectionStatus
20121219-02Accept and approve IAF-1300, IAF-1400, IAF-1800eGovIAWGNo objections (discussion in meeting minutes)APPROVED

IAF document set

    • HF: verifies that process as laid out in By-Laws and OP has been followed for the IAF document update
    • draft reflects changes in SAC to accommodate services (does not need to be a complete service); also a separation of the KAR as an explicit document
    • Is the LC ready to entertain a motion to approve the document set as is, or does the LC need more time and have us move this to an e-ballot?
    • Patrick: two issues; strategic situation is changing very fast (changes in legislation, standards) and it is not just about people any more - the context in which these docs sit has moved quite a long way, and the age of these documents (some quite new, others quite old) there are fundamental problems with older docs like the Overview; less clear and confident how they will all work together as a whole; the IAWG should continue on, but there are some people that need to take the whole set away, determine if the docs join up, do they plug in to the international context, and are there any hot spots where we can fix things that are wrong, where do we have major opportunity out there/new requirements where we don't have things in the IAWG roadmap that need development
      • ColinW: the reason why the overview shows no revisions and the glossary is not hyperlinked is that the glossary is still being worked on, and until they've finalized the definitions in the glossary they cannot change the overview; there is no notion of the component document in this work, and that's another area that will need work
      • Heather: note that the IAWG is considering an errata system and/or a change of process to react more quickly to the changes in this environment
      • Patrick: request that whoever is working on the glossary be joined at the hip to the international efforts in this space
      • ColinS: the IAWG needs to walk the line in terms of supporting the ARB as well as the LC; are the revisions that are being proposed in the documents that have changes acceptable to send out to the members?
    • From an eGov perspective, ColinW reports that the docs as changed are acceptable
    • Andrew: IAWG is also talking about a public calendared schedule for the review cycle process
    • Patrick - request a "download all" button; one big zip file; eventually consider something indicated most recent
    • Motion: egov moves to approve 1300,1 400, 1800; iawg seconds; no objections to unanimous approval; move on to the All-Member ballot for recommendations


Budget subcommittee to report

  • a recent Board call focused on general finance over specific budget items, and the accounts receivable right now is fairly stretched; the BoT side of things is more focused on the cash flow than any further budget requests


Subscriber versus Member (non-voting versus voting)

  • available only to assessors or approved identity providers (HF to verify); then the push back the concern is that they have paid to become approved, why would they have to pay again to be allowed to vote?
  • they were not getting member priv's after being approved, despite paying fees; how can they become members? what would it cost? voting or non-voting?
  • is there a potential conflict of interest here? Can an assessor or an IdP having a vote in the organization?  they do have skin in the game (aka motivation)
  • HF to start an email list discussion topic on this; there have been opinions voiced and we should get them on the list

WG Updates

HIAWG: KI has signed a MOU with a new org called DirectTrust.org, a new accreditation body for Health Info Service Providers that will assess and accredit them for Direct Messages (email protocol ~ S-MIME); MOU says that we will work together so that entities only need to be id-proofed once, and the id-proofing level will be respected by both programs

IAWG: discussing issue tracking tools for any comments coming in against IAF docs throughout the year, outside the Disposition of Comments period; question about errata and minor corrections is under discussions; decoupled binding model still in draft, but targeting a F2F at RSA to present this again; work underway to talk about 29115 and 800-63 alignment with the IAF docs

FIWG: last meeting of the year is tomorrow; last few have not been at quorum; expect things to pick up again in 2013

AIMWG: had second meeting last week, starting again on Jan 9; fairly active so far though we have not reached quorum

Telco WG: not much going on recently; working on an authentication document, but not much has happened this Autumn; not so many people turning up on the calls right now, and while there is no problem reaching quorum, there are not enough people contributing to make it a very productive group; have reached out to TelCo industry to try and improve participation, but they have not been seeing the problem that would suggest they should join

Trust Framework: continuing to develop documents and are in planning mode more than execution mode

eGov: relates closely to FIWG; major update is the update to the charter and outreach to new members; the GSA has resurrected the idea of the GSA becoming lock-step with the other profiles of the other governments, dropping their own SAML profile and using the eGov conformance profile of SAML 2; to do that, there are some differences between what FICAM uses today and what the eGov SAML 2pfile is, the bigger issue is around the testing; FICAM has signaled that they expect to work with the other governments in the eGov group for a common set of requirements that could in term be given to FIWG

P3WG: challenged earlier this year when the editor of the maojr doc resigned; Peter Capek has stepped up and assumed the editor role to work on the Privacy Assessment doc; when the doc is to a reasonably mature state (probably mid-Feb) would send to IAWG for review and comments to make sure that the Privacy Assessment Criteria is in sync with the SAC

BoT Liason Report

  • see budget info above; further info will be in email update to the list


  • Meeting schedule:  no call Dec 26 and Jan 2, Admin Call Jan 9
  • NSTIC DG - concerned only in so much as we're trying to figure out how and where Kantara might want to relate to the IDESG in the future; that seems to be the right forum should those conversations need to happen; there is still too much going on to just close it now; HF to send to the list the rational from ColinS or to close now as the options; ask after the next round of elections of the IDESG (end of February)

New Action Items


Assigned To



20121219-03Heather Flanaganverify whether the By-Laws allow for a non-LC KI member to act as LC-BoT liaison 
20121219-04Heather Flanagancreate a zip file of all current, normative documents in the IAF 
20121219-05Heather FlanaganSend out the IAF documents for an All-Member Ballot 
20121219-06Heather FlanaganSend an email framing the Subscriber vs Member issue to the LC list for discussion 


Next meeting

  • Date: Wednesday, 9 January 2013 - Admin Call
  • Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 21:00 UTC (time chart)
  • Call-in toll-free number: 1-866-203-0920
  • Call-in number: 1-206-445-0056
    • Conference Code: 5423695925#
  • International Dial-In Numbers