LC telecon Notes 2012-07-24

LC telecon Notes 2012-07-24

LC telecon 2012-07-24 - NSTIC discussion

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, 24 July 2012
  • Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 20:00 UTC (time chart)
  • Call-in toll-free number: 1-866-203-0920
  • Call-in number: 1-206-445-0056
    • Conference Code: 5423695925#
  • International Dial-In Numbers


  1. Roll Call
  2. Discussion
  3. NSTIC positioning and All-Member ballot
  4. Adjourn


  • Pete Palmer
  • Colin Soutar
  • Bob Pinheiro
  • Tom Smedinghoff
  • Colin Wallis
  • Jonas Hoberg

Quorum is 6 of 11 as of 06 June 2012.


  •  Heather Flanagan




Minutes & Notes

Current draft of all member ballot announcement:

This is an All Member Ballot to determine if and how the Kantara
Initiative should join the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in
Cyberspace (NSTIC - http://www.nist.gov/nstic/) program as a member

The Kantara Initiative Board of Trustees has resolved NOT to have the
Kantara Initiative take a leadership position in the NSTIC.  Such
involvement could be considered a conflict of interest given how
Kantara's Certification and Accreditation Programs could form a part of
the NSTIC program at some future stage.

Many Kantara members will expect to participate and vote in the NSTIC program through their own organizations rather than Kantara.  The current NSTIC bylaws are unclear on Kantara members being allowed to  become voting NSTIC members if Kantara becomes a NSTIC member.  The decision for Kantara to join NSTIC is predicated on the clarification of the NSTIC bylaws to allow for separate membership for Kantara members.

This ballot asks two questions:
1 - Should the Kantara Initiative participate in the NSTIC program as a
Member Organization?
2 - If yes, what stakeholder group should the Kantara Initiative
identify with? (14 options)

A link to the Survey Monkey ballot is here: [TBD]
The ballot closes on July 27, 2012 at 23:59 UTC.

This ballot is open to all Members of the Kantara Initiative.  Decisions
will be made based on simple majority.

intention of the NSTIC program to resolve operating procedure questions on the July 30 call, prior to the F2F NSTIC meeting in August, implying we need to come to our own understanding and agreement on our own part

  • Kantara member is not necessarily an individual who participates, might be an organization - we need to distinguish Kantara Participants
  • On the NSTIC side, there are Observing members and Participating members (seat at the table, versus seat AND vote)
  • What does overall participation in the process "get" Kantara? Who would represent KI? Working group participants? Executive?  Would listed participants for Kantara preclude those people's ability to participate on their own?
    • Given the questions, is there any reason NOT to have KI participate as an Observing member, and only be the Exec Director?
    • similar problem with trade organization with member companies participating in things like NSTIC on their company's own behalf AND as a member of the trade org
  • the BoT has said KI will not take a leadership role, but that does not preclude other participation in the NSTIC
  • If KI joins as a member represented by Joni, KI has one vote via Joni; if Bob joins, he can join as an individual, but he can't vote for KI
  • Do we even need a vote if we just join as a Participating Member? The BoT would be more comfortable if they felt they had a clear direction from the KI members; KI has never had a situation where KI as an international organization joins a single jurisdiction
  • Text changes of ballot email:
    • BoT have determine we will not join in a Delegate role
    • If Yes, should KI join as an Observing Member or a Participating Member, represented by Joni Brennan as Exec Directive
  • Note that more information should come out on the July 30 call, and we could hold off on sending something out to the membership until after that meeting
  • It is just not clear, given the by-laws were written with companies not organizations or SDO in mind, we are not 100% clear that if Kantara joins, this has no effect on any members to participate with their own company and/or in their own name?
  • Maybe start with a statement to update the membership on what the situation is and what we are proposing to do (setting context), then advise the members that we propose to put out an all-member ballot after the 30 July so people can potentially inform themselves on further issues? since we're hoping to get clarity on the NSTIC by-laws on the 30th, and we can explain as to why there will be a ballot at all (BoT is interested in their input)
    • HF to start the draft and send to LC today