LC telecon 2012-02-15

LC telecon 2012-02-15

LC telecon 2012-02-15

Date and Time


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve 2012-02-01 Minutes
  3. E-vote on the IAWG's Additional Criteria: US Federal Privacy Profile v2.0
  4. Secretary Nomination - update by Anna Ticktin
  5. NSTIC Proposers' Update
  6. Telco ID Update
  7. Report from the BCTF-DG - presentation by Rainer Hoerbe
  8. April 13-14 F2F in Germany Agenda Discussion
  9. WG Updates
  10. BoT Liaison Representative Update
  11. AOB
  12. Adjourn


Quorum is 6 of 11 as of 13 July 2011.

Not in quorum 

  1. Identity Assurance WG: represented by Rich Furr 
  2. User-Managed Access WG: represented by Eve Maler
  3. Healthcare Identity Assurance WG: represented by Pete Palmer
  4. Federation Interoperability WG: represented by John Bradley
  5. eGovernment - Colin Wallis & Rainer Hoerbe


  1. Joni Brennan
  2. Dervla O'Reilly 


  • Dervla O'Reilly 


  1. Trust Framework Meta Model WG, Business Cases for Trusted Federation - Rainer Hoerbe
  2. Attribute Management - Sal D'Agostino & Heather Flanagan
  3. Information Sharing - Joe Andrieu


  1. Patrick Curry, BBFA


  1. Lara Zimberoff  

Roll Call

Minutes & Notes

Approve 2012-02-01 Minutes

Motion: Not in quorum, table for next meeting.

Not Passed by consent due to lack of quorum.

E-vote on the IAWG's Additional Criteria: US Federal Privacy Profile v2.0

Motion: Not in quorum, Anna Ticktin will take to eBallot.

Secretary Nomination - update by Anna Ticktin

Nominations are in, was hoping to take vote on call. Due to non quorate call, Anna Ticktin will take to eBallot.

NSTIC Proposers' Update

There is one years worth of funding, first round is a 4-5 page summary, if finalist, then a more detailed plan is required.  NSTIC.gov highlights all details.  If you are working on any projects or see a role that Kantara could play, please let this (or the NSTIC DG) know. 

Unless there's code and dollars to support the key technology the license may not apply. There's some surprise at where the discussion went, is this up to our expectations? This can be very typical.  There is public media so folks can put through good proposals, yet there are still questions regarding the IP level which is at a different category of attention. A benefit is there is a short turnaround. Plenty of time for folks who have been waiting.

The NSTIC DG was formed last year with the purpose of writing the NOI response.  Once the NOI response was written, the group is quiet until next steps/feedback arrived from NSTIC.
Is it a burden to have the LC act as the centralized point? Perhaps not, or we re-invigorate the NSTIC DG.

Telco ID Update

DT will move ahead on their own (they are also happy to collaborate with TIWG) on cross operator identity effort. Ingo Friese has put together a presentation laying out their plans and timeline moving forward - presentation is available at TIWG wiki space.

Report from the BCTF-DG - presentation by Rainer Hoerbe

Presentation slides

39 Federations have moved into production. More business cases and exploitation is needed. What is the benefit of putting together the data we have and extending to the gaps to benefit Kantara and the Kantara members? Kantara/IDCommons have underlying assumption that doing federation makes things better, usability, etc. many experts agree, but we don't have data to prove this. Is there budget to sponsor some academic work to fill the gaps. Feedback?

Sounds like we have work together and there isn't as many eyes or steam to provide back. Maybe this could raise the visibility of a group that is already operating, higher visibility and more resources?

IAWG will add an agenda item for their Feb. 29 meeting to gain input from BCTF DG regarding the above presentation.

Rainer and Patrick will sync-up regarding NSC.

April 13-14 F2F in Germany Agenda Discussion

Draft Agenda

Attribute Management - Sal not attending, Heather would need funding for travel. Consider teleconf bridge as a back-up
Healthcare Identity Assurance - remote via WebEx, hoping to secure WebEx dial-in sponsorshop by SureScripts
Information Sharing - Joe not attending, will check with Iain who may attend as he's in the U.K.
Identity Assurance - TBD
Trust Framework Meta Model WG & Business Cases for Trusted Federations - add a slot to the agenda for starters, gauge attendance

WG Updates

HIA: focussed on the PIDs project, teleconf Feb. 16, updates coming thereafter. Will report on the Next LC teleconf on how Kantara, HIA and PIDs project and communication has been received at the HIMSS Conference in Las Vegas next week.

Information Sharing: Draft guidelines to model different domains for Information Sharing agreement, working with contributors, still needs some work, which will be revised and will move forward. Putting up a project on kickstarter.com to promote the work, more work is needed on the scripts. Joe will send links to LC when updates and movie are in place.

Attribute Assurance: first draft of recommendations (in a report style) will be forwarded soon.

BoT Liason Report

Last weeks BoT meeting was been rescheduled to Feb. 16 due to low attendance. Pete will report on the next LC call.




Next Meeting

  • Date: in 3 weeks - Wednesday, 7 March 2012
  • Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 20:00 UTC (time chart)