Time | Item | Who | Notes |
| Roll Call | Sal | - Eve Maler (UMAWG)
- Mark Lizar (CISWG)
- Ken Dagg (IAWG)
- Sal D’Agostino (IRMWG)
- Maciej Machulak (UMAWG
- John Bradley (FIWG)
- Colin Wallis (eGovWG)
- Pete Palmer (HIAWG)
- Ingo Friese (IDoTDG)
- Marissa Jadrosich (KI)
- Nicole Domkiw (Support)
- Joni Brennan (KI)
Meeting is Quorate. |
2min | Approve Minutes | Pete | - Colin moves to accept the minutes, Pete seconds the movement
- Motion carries by unanimous consent. -- January 28th minutes approved
2min | Action Item Review | Pete | - Meta model- federation would be a good place for this
10min | Executive Director Update | Joni | - Assurance review board has been moving forward and reviewing applications, we should see news on that shortly
- Board of Trustees meets tomorrow
Activities: Panel at SXSW (with feature IDoT), Breakfast at HIMMS RSA event- Presentation (Eve and Ian), annual social event. Poll sent out for who will be attending which events Keynote at identity next – Identity of the I in IoT Annual Workshop in European Identity Workshop
10min | WG / DG Quarterly Reports | LC | - WGs and DGs need to submit quarterly report via email.
- List of what the workgroups are up to, what they need help with, etc.
- Quarter ends March 31st this will be discussed on WG updates.
- Leadership Council will determine if the WG has gone through a period of being dormant – for action to be taken by LC.
10min | Voting | Sal | - Approve the UMA documents to be then sent for an all member vote
- In process of properly pointing documents
- tinyurl.com/umacore and tinyurl.com/oauthrsr
- Been through public review twice
- MOTION: I move that the Leadership Council approve the UMA Core specification (as it is to be editorially amended) and the OAuth Resource Set Registration specification as Kantara Initiative Draft Recommendations and remand them for Kantara All-Member Balloting
- Eve Moves, Pete Seconds
- No objections to unanimous approval- motion unanimously accepted by leadership council
- MOTION: by Sal for IRMWG- For the laws and relationship management report be accepted by the Leadership Council for publication as a Kantara Initiative report. Pete seconds the motion, Colin approves so long as it is put into Kantara format. No objection, motion carries with proviso.
5min | Discussion Items | Sal | - F2F in Munich (5/4/2015) and RSA in SF (4/20/2015 to 4/24/2015)
- Survey was sent to determine who is attending each event
- Full Leadership meeting- not Ad-Hoc. Please respond if you have not already.
5min | Marketing Update | Joni | - Dates for future KI events.
- Marketing and Outreach
- Dates are on public site and are continually updated. Special pages are built out for each event.
- Committee for Marketing and Outreach- for future consideration.
- Joni action for a call for participation- Leadership council call and depending who comes back we can create a charter on that.
- Quarterly outreach could include marketing update
- Kantara has 1,395 follower on Twitter and UMA has 866 followers
10min | WG Updates | LC | - eGov- New Leadership has been seated. Ongoing reference to a code of reference for relying parties for how they hold information opened a wiki page to gather information.
- Healthcare ID Assurance WG- Was on hiatus – got a request from FICAM. Come up with expert input on how these frameworks are affecting healthcare industry, identify gaps and make recommendation, had first meeting 2 weeks ago tomorrow and have a follow up meeting tomorrow.
- IAWG- Work with eGov on code of practice, survey sent out to identify which international and national groups have participating parties in- will ask if they want to open this survey up to additional WGs. Will determine if there is a need for biweekly or weekly updates.
- IRM- document that is about to be released which contains the laws of identity relationship management, trying to ask everyone to pick a small number of them and take a deep dive.
- Identity of Things Discussion Group – If there is any potential intellectual property issues, Joni stated there is a private section on the wiki for protected information
- CISWG- working on specs for MVCR, Meaningful Consent Conference University of South Hampton this past week.
2min | BoT Liaison | Colin & Sal | - Status of current representatives and the update on the voting schedule
- Four Documents for review – vote concludes tomorrow. Some comments have been collected to be addressed in 6 months.
- Appointment of liaisons to Board of Trustees- about a month from now.
- Action for next call- consider if Sal and Colin which to continue or if anyone else would like the appointment
| AoB | | None |
| Adjourn | | Motion to adjourn by Sal, seconded by Pete |