2015-08-26 Meeting Minutes

2015-08-26 Meeting Minutes


Aug 26, 2015


  • Former user (Deleted)al D'Agostino-IRM

  • Colin Wallis - e-Gov

  • Eve Maler-UMA
  • Michael Schwartz - OTTO
  • John Bradley - FI
  • Jane Celusak- IEEE-ISTO


  • Roll Call
  • Kandara IPR
  • Approve Minutes from 29 June 2015
  • Administration
    • Tools: The B2B XML to RFP Proposal
    • Voting
    • Operationalizing the Kantara Theme and Collaboration
  • WG Updates
  • BoT Liaison Report
  • Action Item Review
  • AOB

Discussion Items

1 minRoll CallSal D'Agostino
  • It was noted the meeting does not meet a quorum of Leadership Council Members.
5 minKantara IPRColin Wallis
  • There is an IPR inconsistency among groups. IRM is on the appropriate IPR regime based on the work they are currently doing but
    if they start developing a specification they might not be on the appropriate IPR and will possibly have to move the spec work to another
    group which would trigger a spin-off group along the way of UMA. Perhaps there might need to be an IRM IPR change to find a midd
    ground. Working group chair is Mark Lazar. Action: The IPR inconsistency is to be discussed when Mark Lazar is in attendance.
5 minMinutes approvalSal D'Agostino
  • The 29 July 2015 minutes require a correction of RSC to RFP. There was not a quorum for approval. Action: Jane Celusak to correct 29 July 2015
    minutes and send minutes to the LC for an e-Vote.
15 minAdministration

Sal D'Agostino




  • Tools


Eve Maler
  • The B2BXML to RFP will remain an open item in tools. Work will continue to pursue test a test processing tool to take output and make
    a comparative look. Currently it expects an IETP output which is not generic. Oliver is aware of this. The UMA group is moving to draft
    a recommendation for LC consideration.
  • Operationalizing
    Kantara Theme and
Colin WallisSee above under Kantara IPR.
15 minWG Updates

Jane Celusak

Colin Wallis

Mike Schwartz

Eve Maler




John Bradley

  • Action: Jane will send out reminders and check the wiki for the quarterly working group update space.

  • E-Gov - no meeting since last LC meeting.
  • OTTO - the group has been giving great feedback and there has been great participation though this may slow output.  
    Next meeting potentially next week.
  • UMA -The legal subgroup is discussion reconstituting definitive obligations. Working to reduce inhibitions for use case submission.  
    They are in a gathering mode and meeting weekly. On the technical side they will be issuing a patch release. They have
    adopted the Symantic UMA 0.1.1. There is a call tomorrow to adopt this. They anticipate they will find more things that
    need tweaking and have established an orderly path to track these ideas. UMA will be issuing a candidate draft recommendation
    and post LC approval there will be a 45 day public review.
  • FI- is progressing there is a dialogue on research and education and redefining community.
10 minBoT Liaison ReportColin Wallis
  • The last BoT meeting did not have a quorum so no decisions were made. The main topic was the incorporation of KI. The focus was
    the need for the IRS ruling on the not-for-profit status before an announcement can be made.
  • The Board discussed the possibility of KI hosting its own conference, possibly in September 2016. They could have a day long conference
    in a two day time frame with one day devoted to F2F working group meetings. They are investigating costs, sponsorship, logistics and minimal
    fees to participate.
5 minAOBSal D'Agostino
  • John Bradley joined the call at the end. There was discussion about the calendaring change from last week which might have deleted the
    calendaring of this call. This call is on the regular schedule. A check of the calendar shows that is on the calendar for the next call.
  • John Bradley gave his working group update - see above.
  • It was noted that quarterly reports are due.

5 minAction Item ReviewJane Celusak
  • Jane to connect Oliver, Eve and John to join a conversation regarding development of the script B2BXML - Closed
  • Jane to request the LC members list the tools they are using and tools under consideration for a shared list. Open - Jane to resend
    request after Labor Day.
  • Jane to add tools to the agenda where new tools under consideration will be discussed. - Closed
  • Colin to work with Sal to draft a policy regarding more than one person chairing a WG. This has been started. Roberts Rules does not apply. Andrew Hughes had an notion that a percentage could be applied. Jane will ask ISTO leadership for advisement.- Open
  • Jane will include KI Privacy Policy and updates regarding the MVCR use in the KI site on the next agenda. Jane added this to an agenda in the email thread but not the Google Document. Jane will ask Pete Palmer for access and add to the next agenda.-Open
  • Mark Lazar will send the LC a link to the newsletter - Open - Jane will ping Mark.

Action Items

  •  Action: The IPR inconsistency is to be discussed when Mark Lazar is in attendance.
  • Action: Jane Celusak to correct 29 July 2015 minutes and send minutes to the LC for an e-Vote.
  • Jane to request the LC members list the tools they are using and tools under consideration for a shared list. Open - Jane to resend
    request after Labor Day.
  • Colin to work with Sal to draft a policy regarding more than one person chairing a WG. This has been started. Roberts Rules does not apply. Andrew Hughes had an notion that a percentage could be applied. Jane will ask ISTO leadership for advisement.- Open
  • Jane will include KI Privacy Policy and updates regarding the MVCR use in the KI site on the next agenda. Jane added this to an agenda in the email thread but not the Google Document. Jane will ask Pete Palmer for access and add to the next agenda.-Open
  • Mark Lazar will send the LC a link to the newsletter - Open - Jane will ping Mark.
  • Action: Jane will send out reminders and check the wiki for the quarterly working group update space.