2015-12-16 Meeting Notes

2015-12-16 Meeting Notes


December 16, 2015


  • Sal D'Agostino - IRM

  • Ken Dagg - IA

  • Colin Wallis - e-Gov
  • Eve Maler - UMA & UMA Dev
  • Pete Palmer - HIA
  • Andrew Hughes - IA
  • Robin Wilton - ISOC
  • Ruth Puente - Trust Assurance
  • Jane Celusak - ISTO


  1. Roll Call
  2. Kantara IPR
    a. Working Drafts - See Kantara IPR Policy Comparisons and Working Group IPR Use Cases 
  3. Approve Minutes
    18 November 2015
    2 December 2015
  4. Administration
    1. Quarterly Reports
    2. Tools
      1. Working Drafts - please see the tools spreadsheet here.
    3. Operationalizing the Kantara Theme and Collaboration
  5. WG Updates
    1. 2016 funding requests update
  6. BoT Liaison Report
  7. Action Items Review
    1. Discussion on IPR in UMA and UMA Dev on the next call - Eve Maler - ongoing
  8. AOB

Discussion Items

Roll CallSal D'Agostino

Roll Call was conducted at 4:06 p.m. EST

IPRColin Wallis
  • The IPR Task Force held a conference call on 9 December 2015.
  • The group reviewed the IPR Spreadsheet and collected Use Cases.
  • The discussion entailed: Moving to one single IPR or tentatively look at Contribution Agreement like OpenID where effectively work isn't governed by IPR but if you contribute
    you agree not to take an action against others.
  • The goal is for the LC to make a recommendation to the BoT and for the BoT to establish preferences that can be communicated to legal advisers.
  • The options are IPR with a lesser number of options (what would this be as the WG are currently nearly evenly split between RAND and CCA)
  • The Contribution Agreement had not been discussed in the prior discussions of which IPR to land on.
  • Moving the IPR around or streamlining it will require members resigning. In OpenID members sign a comprehensive agreement but when a work group gets added they have to sign a new one.
  • Does the LC have a preference for the way forward?
  • Sal: The contributions Agreement is the maximum simplification of this. It removes the IPR issue. In any case people will have to do the participation agreement. Apache is uncomfortable getting specifications, 
    though it is clean and open source. It would be nice to have a policy that covers specifications, software, etc.
  • IRM: Motion to advise the BoT the LC recommends pursuing a Non-Assert Contributor Agreement along the lines of IETF for WG participants - Seconded by e-Gov; No Objections.
MinutesSal D'Agostino
  • The 2 December minutes will be sent to those at the 2 December Meeting for an e-Vote.
  • 18 November minutes - motion to accept IA; Seconded IRM; no objections.


Quarterly Reports



Sal 'Agostino


  • CIS WG and IA WG will soon have quarterly reports


  • The UMA Specification v.1.01 ballot is in good shape.
Working Group UpdatesWorking Group Leaders
  • e-Gov - No call since last meeting; next call January 7, 2016.
  • HIA - Group refocus on national patient identifier and the role work groups contribute. HIMSS Breakfast - is changing to the National patient Identifier Theme.
  • IA - Discussion on comments re: identity enhanced white paper. Maps NIST 800-63-2 to ISO/IEC 229115 to the SAC; SAC - Will submit to LC as a Kantara report.
    Will look at IDESG framework version 1 and how it relates and maps to the IAF Trust Mark framework criteria. There are 45 requirement in the IDESG baseline. Hopefully a smooth journey for customers for IDESG
    self attesting service and those that have Kantara approval will have a friction less pathway between the two.
  • IRM - In IDESG there are identifier requirements mapping to the baseline and there seem to be rational developments. The group is okay with changing IPR and will adapt as needed. Put privacy related references through a discussion of IRM in the wild. The minutes are in bettwer shape and there is a cleaning up of the wiki ongoing.
  • OTTO - Schema - progressing regarding what type of specifications they are writing being more aligned on the goal.
BoT Liaison Report 
  • The BoT approved Kantara to be come incorporated.
  • Joni Brennan has resigned - She has been with Kantara since the Liberty Alliance.
  • The BoT has formed a subcommittee to ensure transition is smooth. Working with Ruth, Staff and Admin.
  • Progress is being made in finding a replacement.
  • Need to get a Tax ID then Kantara can do contractual things.

  • Funding Requests:
  • CIS is tentatively approved. Collaborative pursuit of SBIR - no objection from the board but would need approval before moving ahead.
  • UMA - related to CCA & Legal Subgroup IP policies - putting together model clauses. Look at actual proposals for notes - nice connection with consent - $15K. Discussion
    of companion funding from ISOC.
AOBColin WallisEurope ID and Cloud 2010

Action Items

  • Colin to work with Sal to draft a policy regarding one person chairing more than one WG. - ongoing
  • Pete Palmer to craft a few paragraphs on the HIMSS opportunity to be sent to the LC Working Group Leaders.

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