5min   | Minutes Approval   Administration       Operationalization      Discussion Items   Working Group Updates     BoT Liaison Report  Action Item Review  AOB  Adjournment | Sal D'Agostino   Eve Maler       Sal D'Agostino      Mark Lizar   Working Group Leaders     Sal D'Agostino  Sal D'Agostino  Sal D'Agostino  Sal D'Agostino | - For Approval: Minutes from April 15, 2015, March 11, 2015, March 25, 2015, July 15, 2015 and July 1, 2015
- Eve Maler moved to approve the meeting minutes Colin Wallis provided a second for all minutes excepting 11 March 2015 as he was not at that meeting,
- Sal D'Agostino provided the second for the 11 March 2015 meeting minutes. There were no objections and the minutes were all approved.
- Status update of XML to RSC. IETF is contemplating changes. Investigated e-pub and editors to create documents. WG's may need to find their own tool chain and process.
- The best process would closely resemble the good processes used in software versioning.
- Software developers will be comfortable with the process.
- Perhaps the tool should not be a top down KI directive to WG's.
- There needs to be an online hosted converter that is not manual and perhaps Kantara can host it stripped of the IETF specifics.
- The LC would like a list of approved tools and a review of new tools as they are presented. This initiative is to categorize, modernize and standardize tool usage.
- Andrew Hughes mentioned IA's framework and quedtioned how this would mesh with storage representation in GitHub.
- Action ITEM: Jane will connect Oliver, Eve and John to join this conversation regarding the development of the script.
- Action ITEM: Jane will send a request to the LC members to list the tools they are using and tools under consideration. This list will be shared.
- Action ITEM: Jane will add Tools to the agenda and new tools under consideration will be discussed.
- Discussion of the Action Item regarding shutting down the Cloud WG. Jane sent an outline of the shutdown policy to Sal. This will be an agenda item on the next meeting.
- Operationalization of Themes was discussed. This topic was introduced to be a bullet point under Operationalization on future agendas. This topic will include collaboration with other work groups.
- Leading Multiple Working Groups: Discussion of groups spawning other groups and the impact on voting.
- If a LC member is the chair of more than one WG would they be able to have two votes at the LC level?
- If there is a spawning of WG's are they going to be dominated by the related parent group?
- Action ITEM: Colin will work with Sal to draft a policy to bring back to the LC.
- Andrew suggested the language include a percentage of vote that one person can have instead of the number of leaders.
- MVCR is working on 13.07 specification. Looking for a best practice for a privacy policy on the Kantara site and items in the privacy policy are under review.
- Adding a purpose on the form specifying that information will be transferred to the U.S. is under legal review for liability regarding the change from a privacy policy to a consent receipt.
- Action ITEM: Jane will include KI Privacy Policy and updates regarding the MVCR use in KI site on the next agenda.
- IRM is 3/4 way through principles.
- IA would like to issue updates but the working group is deciding if it will be a full upgrade or a partial release. There is a review of the framework.
- e-Gov is working on a code of conduct and a first draft will be available within a month for IA to look at.
- CIS is working on the MVCR, the website and version 7 of the specification. They had information published in a newsletter.
- Action ITEM: Mark will send the LC a link to the newsletter.
- FI is electing a new chair. Editing the profile developer criteria for interoperation and looking for community feedback.
- UMA is focusing on a patch release. Nominations are in August. There will be a draft in September followed by the formal KI process. Legal review is in place.
- UMA Dev WG is under development.
- OTTO is resuming a regular schedule following vacations.
- There was no Board meeting since the last LC meeting.
 - Action Items were reviewed: All were closed or continued in this meetings action items.
- There was no other business.
 - Sal proposed adjournment, Eve seconded.