2015-10-07 Meeting Notes

2015-10-07 Meeting Notes


Oct 7, 2015


  • Sal D'Agostino - IRM

  • John Bradley - FI
  • Ken Dagg - IA
  • Colin Wallis - e-Gov
  • Ingo Friese - IDoT DG
  • Mike Schwartz - OTTO
  • Jane Celusak - ISTO

  • Joni Brennan - ED Kantara Initiative


Discussion Items

2minRoll CallSal D'Agostino
  • Roll call was conducted
2minIPRSal D'Agostino
  • There was no IPR discussion

3minApprove Minutes from 9/9/2015Sal D'Agostino
  • The meeting began one person short of a quorum. When the fifth person joined there was a motion from e-Gov to accept the minutes;
    seconded by IA with no objections.


a. Quarterly Reports

b. Tools


c. Voting UMA v.1.01






d. Operationalizing the Kantara Theme and Collaboration

i.Update on Group IPR





ii. Trust Services and Connected Life by IPR on Spreadsheet

Sal D'Agostino


  • No quarterly reports have been sent. A new child page to house the quarterly reports has been created under LC pages.

  • A spreadsheet of WG tools has been created.

  • There was a discussion regarding if this change needs to go to an all member ballot. Joni responded that should it stay in draft as an .01 
    it does not have to go to an all member ballot but if the WG wants a final .01 version than it would need to have an all member ballot.  
    There was a motion to approve the UMA v.1.01 to move to an all member ballot by E-Gov and a second by IRM - 
    there were no objections and the ballot at the LC level has passed.
  • NOTE: UMA 1.01 is in public review until 2 November 2015. This motion and ballot is not valid as it is out of time. IRM motioned to rescind the 
    approval ballot. e-Gov seconded the motion - there were no objections - the Ballot to approve the UMA v.1.01 to move to an all member
    ballot has been rescinded.
    Continuing comments on this issue - The steps in this process are 1) UMA votes to kick off a public review - done. 2) Once the public review is complete 
    the issue to vote for acceptance goes to the LC - pending. 3) Once the LC votes for acceptance the ballot for acceptance is sent to all members - pending)

  • There was a suggestion that there is no special reason for the decision of whether to join a working group or a discussion group.  
    When you look at CCASA it is easier than RAND.  There was a discussion regarding groups that feed into bigger groups. When you have a 
    stronger IPR in a group that is feeding a weaker one there can be issues but it was noted that the issue goes both ways. Either way there 
    would be a violation and stronger/weaker are relative terms. How do you move from one to another?  
    IRM could address this by giving into a more comprehensive IPR in order to be in sync. What is a derivitive work? Can there just be a reference 
    and not inclusion? If the group goes dormant/disbands that IPR goes to the board of trustees. A solution is needed for work that is currently in motion. 
    Action Item: Jane to schedule an AdHoc of officers to discuss.


  • All spreadsheets should be on the wiki.
20minWorking Group UpdatesSal D'Agostino
  • IRM has not met. They are in the process of writing next steps. A review of the principles has been completed. Will probably have a 1.1 of the report.
    the next call is 13 October. The hope is the next phase place the principles against CIS and UMA. The review will look at where components on all exist 
    in use cases. Joni has been working with one member to create a use case telling their IRM story.
  • IA- 1 October meeting had a guest speaker who went through a disruptive tech approach. 450 cell biometric indicators to do identity authentication. 
    It hasn't been mapped to 4 levels or evaluated by privacy inspectors - how we would evaluate this technology is a thought. It is based on reasonable
    frequent accessors so the Government would not be the user but maybe banks. Colin stated that there was a good summary and a lively, engaged 
    audience. They will post relevant materials and continue to frame as an interesting bleeding edge technology.
  • FI - Looking to see what the community wants - common side active dialogue. Editing the in common documents. There is a meeting scheduled before IA WG 
    in California and they may have members who are interested in going.
  • IDot DG - they have a good start on the survey. There is a Liaison Agreement conversation ongoing with IEEE with the first topics covering the trust model for M2M in industrial 
    internet connection. A Liaison would make this more informative and they have interesting Use Cases. Joni advised that Liaisons do take effort so the Board of Trustees
    wants to ensure that Liaison Agreements are mutually beneficial for all sides.
  • e-Gov - there was an e-Gov call on Monday 5 October and there was light attendance. There is a focus on Europe getting in good shape. Some states want to look at Open ID 
    Connect to see how they can further proof themselves and not have to design things twice - especially in relation to Finland and Denmark.
  • OTTO - There is good progress and consensus on block chain multi federation metadata to become searchable. Schema progress will start to see initial implementations by the
    end of the year.
10minBoT Liaison ReportJoni Brennan
  • There was a non-quorum call last week and discussion about liaison requests for Kantara. There is one proceeding in the Health sector with the National Association for 
    Trusted Exchange (NATE). The Incorporation of Kantara progress continues. The Board Officers are taking appropriate steps. Members should see no substantial changes and
    notified when needed and required.
5minAOBSal D'Agostino
  • This event is regularly done, signing always goes to the Board depending on the Agreement.
  • HIMSS - if groups are interested to work with Pete Palmer that would be great.
  • Action Item - Pete Palmer to craft a few paragraphs on the HIMSS opportunity to be sent to the LC Working Group Leaders.
  • Action Item - The process guidelines for balloting revisions to documents or new documents will be placed on the wiki.
5minAction Item ReviewJane Celusak
  1. Discussion on IPR in UMA and UMA DV on the next call - Eve Maler-ongoing

  2. Action Item: Jane will compare trust services with collective on another tab on this spreadsheet. - closed

  3. Action Item: Sal D'Agostino - This topic will be discussed on the next IRM WG meeting. Noting it is okay to contribute from CC to RAND but not the other way around. -ongoing - 

  4. Joint LC/Board discussion. - Open

  5. Action item: Jane to edit the minutes of 8/26/15 as noted. - Closed

  6. Jane to request the LC members list the tools they are using and tools under consideration for a shared list. - Jane to resend request after Labor Day. -closed

  7. Jane will include KI Privacy Policy and updates regarding the MVCR use in the KI site on the next agenda. Closed as an agenda item Ongoing for Implement as a larger work of Kantara. - Remain on Action Item List.

  8. Colin to work with Sal to draft a policy regarding more than one person chairing a WG. This has been started. Robert’s Rules does not apply. Andrew Hughes had an notion that a percentage could be applied. Jane will ask ISTO leadership for advisement.- Closed


Action Items

  • Discussion on IPR in UMA and UMA DV on the next call - Eve Maler-ongoing
  • Action Item: Sal D'Agostino - This topic will be discussed on the next IRM WG meeting. Noting it is okay to contribute from CC to RAND but not the other way around. -ongoing - 
  • Joint LC/Board discussion. - Open
  • Jane will include KI Privacy Policy and updates regarding the MVCR use in the KI site on the next agenda. Closed as an agenda item Ongoing for Implement as a larger work of Kantara. - Remain on Action Item List.
  • Action Item - Pete Palmer to craft a few paragraphs on the HIMSS opportunity to be sent to the LC Working Group Leaders.
  • Action Item - The process guidelines for balloting revisions to documents or new documents will be placed on the wiki.