2022-03-15 Meeting notes

2022-03-15 Meeting notes





  • Review FIRE/HIA unification draft

Discussion items


From Jim Kragh's meeting invitation:

"During our meeting in mid February we reviewed version 3 of our draft WG document and from your input and that of Dr Tom's WG, I created V4  reflecting the changes and added a few before asking Noreen for an eagle eye as I journeyed West. Naturally, upon returning, she didn't disappoint me with her fine-tuning pen and ?'s that encouraged me to dig a little deeper and ask a few more questions related to measured outcomes; see link below, your input is requested.   Unless there are some radical changes, we should be able to wrap up the drafting drill and have each WG vote on accepting the content of this document as a core theme for a new WG Charter by the end of April."


Naming and Disambiguating terminology:

  • HIA WG: Kantara Healthcare ID Assurance Work Group

  • HIA: Health Information Agency, etc.

Current Charters:

Noreen shared Medell Briggs Malonsen’s (UCLA) presentation at Health IT Advisory Committee https://www.healthit.gov/sites/default/files/facas/2022-03-10_Medell_Briggs-Malonson_Presentation_1.pdf

Missing from education access: non traditional learning, professional development, lifelong learning, etc.

Bev shared NITRD.gov

Action items
