2021-02-16 Meeting notes-updated

2021-02-16 Meeting notes-updated





  • TrustRegistry.org
  • COVID Testing Validation research
  • NISTIR 8344 Ontology for Authentication

Meeting convened at 1:07am

Discussion items


TrustRegistry.orgDuring our last meeting we focused attention on the Trust Registry which Tom developed  and thanks to Noreen, Jeff and Sals input, Tom made some changes, Tom appreciates thanks your contribution and in-put -  latest version:  https://trustregistry.org 

COVID testing validation research

Tom and Jim have been doing a tag team with several national regional players trying to pull a solution together for the traveling public who need to validate they have been tested within the past 72 hours and or have been vaccinated..... update when we talk. 

The Provident hospital chain is funding The Medic COVID certification that a patient can get from the EHR. 

Made a proposal to S&T at DHS. We didn’t win but the company that did win it AppCensus, San Francisco/El Cerrito. Mary knows one of the founders. If they are a certifier of apps.

Sigma, Jeff Willsher

Kim Schaffer authored the NISTIR 8344

NISTIR 8344 Ontology for Authentication

Read the link to the one pager + one paragraph ref on the need of a digital identity, our MAAS doc, NISTIR 8344 Ontology for Authentication (https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/detail/nistir/8344/draft). Jim Kragh extracted key definitions from the  NIST document. Core component is recertification. We need to change some wording in the MAAS doc and if we do we will be in a prime position to approach ONC.

Tom has some issues with some of the NISTIR document. Should Kantara respond? Jeff will review.

  1. They bind authentication to identity proofing. They should be distinct.
  2. They discuss an “object” which is specifically a device that does the authentication. Need to clarify Object (phone) and app may be what they mean by “object”. Needs structure in its own right.

Action Plan:

  1. Get ONC to Approve concept of certified apps and/or developers.
  2. Fund one year of the trust registry.
  3. Fund development of the service assessment criteria by Kantara.
  4. Co-sponsor ONC/Kantara national conference on secure patient choice.

Action items
