2020-09-08 Meeting notes

2020-09-08 Meeting notes




  1. “Profile of a Consumer-Patient Centric Digital Framework” (Jim/Tom)
  2. Update on DHS grant application (Sal)

Meeting adjourned at 1:00PM EST a new time and will take place at this time going forward.

Discussion items


Profile of a Consumer-Patient Centric Digital Framework

1) Digital Identity Framework challenge for the FIRE and HIA  WG's:

“Profile of a Consumer-Patient Centric Digital Framework”

Jim Kragh (Unlicensed) distributed an outline of the core attributes and function types needed to enhance one's digital identity online that would be core features of a consumer-patient  Framework with a  smartphone focus. This is an abbreviated version that several of your colleagues (Catherine, Tom, Noreen, Dr Tom and me) pulled together the past five days - and Tom will show the expanded version (confidential and not for distribution) which we seek your input on. Important to keep in mind there are  two distinct sections, page one focuses on the Consumer-Patient Digital Identity features only and is not to be commingled with page 2, We are seeking your creative input on how you would enrich the plotline on page one - please review before the meeting starts. 

Page 2 is Healthcare also needs your input.  Eventually we will capture multiple industries but for now we will start with healthcare and the HIA WG who will review the document next week.

Reviewed in his document on Portable Proofing 

  • Patient-centric view of portability is important

Tom Jones  will share comments regarding Smartphones and Cell phones

  • Profile of a Consumer-Centric Digital Framework
  • Managed identity and personal data access and control
  • Sal concerned about “patient-centric” versus “patient-controlled”
    • Move toward distributed, decentralized, portable
    • Recognizing a person's humanity and dignity and limiting abuse
    • What is utility value of identity management systems to the patient
    • We are trying to address harms introduced by identity field
    • Open Consent: meaningful notice and consent
  • Action: Former user (Deleted)  and Jim Kragh (Unlicensed) will write a paragraph addressing how we will define consumer-patient centric experience
  • Action: Tom Jones to refine Patient journey, writing a proposal to present to browser render engine people about providing one end point for notification (Blink Dev, replacement for WebKit) so they take up our work in browser development. Blink dev is more Mozilla people than Google or Apple.
    • Needs to convey risk state and protocol information, Ie what form of user ID do you use/collect?
    • WebID proposed by Google helps user identify who they are actually sending identity into to (step one at Open Consent, meaningful notice)
    • https://brave.com/ukcouncilsreport/

Next steps for FIRE WG

  • Catherine suggests interoperability/portability framework as our next focus.
  • Nordics has 97% acceptance rate of smartphone, others use a physical token, card or Yubi key
  • Private doctor or insurance plans may want to give patients a cell phone to use for managing treatment, clinical trials. Tom spoke to someone who was in renal failure where behavior at home is so important that the treatment requires remote monitoring. Austin does this.
  • What things need to be portable?
    • Coverage
    • Portability of assured verified claims
    • Portability of claims
    • Play off “resilience” in FIRE name

2) Sal has been working on the DHS Grant application and will provide an update and next steps needed to make the end of month deadline.

DHS COVID 19 Response and Future Mitigation 

Company behind proposal is Kantara Education Foundation. Some concern that this entity is eligible. Salvatore D'Agostino will ask Anil at DHS.

Application date target: September 15

Addressing use case 1: Test and Validate contact tracing apps

Tom will add information to the document

Action items

  • Action: Former user (Deleted)  and Jim Kragh (Unlicensed) will write a paragraph addressing how we will define consumer-patient centric experience
  • Action: Tom Jones to refine Patient journey, writing a proposal to present to BlinkDev, browser render engine people.