2021-09-21 Meeting notes
Bev Corwin
- Verified Wallet Software Assessment Criteria
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
50min | Verified Wallet Software Assessment Criteria | Jim Kragh, Tom Jones | From Jim’s email: [Thanks Tom for alerting our WG ........ I sent the attachment to Tom earlier today which we discussed and agreed this is yet another possibility for Kantara, Dr Tom's WG and the FIRE WG to bring into focus the value of KI'a Trust Framework and our related work efforts. Please read the FTC announcement below or the link that is embedded in the wike link Tom sent. I appreciate Tom's assistance since I am in the process of selling my home and as a result my clock is randomly controlled by a realtor so I can't be at my desk as was the case today.] Based on a recent posting from the FTC I believe the time is right for the Kantara FIRE work group to start to develop software assessment criteria for a wallet that holds user private data including healthcare data. The following link is on my wiki because the IDESG wiki is currently unavailable. I would like to ask Jim to allocate time to discuss tomorrow. Please follow the link in the context section of this doc to the FTC announcement. There is also a link to an EU wallet requirement which is only available in German at this moment but comes into force within one year. https://tcwiki.azurewebsites.net/index.php?title=Verified_Wallet Discussion Should we approach the FTC about getting the above wallet certification into FTC rules? (not legislation) FTC STATEMENT OF THE COMMISSION On Breaches by Health Apps and Other Connected Devices September 15, 2021 https://kantarainitiative.org/pipermail/wg-fire/attachments/20210920/9901e79d/attachment.pdf Catherine:
Verified Wallet Tom:
Action items
- Former user (Deleted) will email Carmen Smiley at ONC to get her thoughts
- Jim Kragh Jim will update Kay
- All to provide comments to Tom Jones on the proposed requirements for a verified wallet.