2021-02-02 Meeting notes

2021-02-02 Meeting notes




Convened 1:05pm


  • ONC MAAS Proposal 
  • Nominate Officers
  • Proposed WG Merger

Discussion items

ONC MAAS Proposal 

Please read the 1 page document attached and review the updated trust registry link  https://trustregistry.org/   before joining the call.  We need approval to move forward if our FIRE WG wants to make a proposal to ONC that will incorporate our MAAS doc work effort. Open up the Trust Registry for the link and you will also see how it supports the MAAS effort and provides a functional flow of content; this is a detailed effort that Tom has put together - thank you.  We are pointed in the right direction, but need your approval.    click on the building block topics in the Registry demo:

    1. Header:  Home, Resources and Solutions Privacy (is not complete).

Vote: Agreed to present the website to the Kantara board and healthcare group for comment passes. Quorum 5 votes, 2 absent.

Sal will present and bring back feedback from the board on proposing to ONC. Need to create a budget to implement for ONC.

Nominate Officers

Initiate nominees for Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary for 2021  

Proposed WG Merger

Update on merger discussion along with your input 

                 working draft ideas

WG title: Regulated Enterprises and Identifier Ecosystems  (REIE WG)

                    Subgroup: SME Implementation Design Team (FIRE WG members)

                      Industry sectors: Healthcare-Population Heath, Financial and                                                              Education  Transportation

       (all draft concepts; Tom J, Dr Tom and I have met; Dr Tom and I have met)

Action items

  • Sal will present and bring back feedback from the board on proposing to ONC. Need to create a budget to implement for ONC.