2020-01-21 Meeting notes

2020-01-21 Meeting notes




Not attending:


  • Draft Distributed Specification
  • Discuss NIST release of Draft of the Privacy Framework
  • Finalizing Year-End Minutes

Meeting called to order at 9:00am Pacific time. 

Discussion items


Draft Distributed Specification

Current issues to this draft: https://github.com/KantaraInitiative/DistributedAssurance/issues

During this meeting:

Issue 4 Closed: “In the footer, there is reference to Kantara IPR. Either use the following hyperlink,


or express specifically, 'Kantara IPR Option: Non Assertion Covenant'”. Resolution: Link added to applicable IPR option for FIRE WG.

Issue 6: screenshot showing last 4 SSN is outdated practice. Tom will change if someone can provide an alternate graphic.

Issue 7: “consent lifecycle”: 6 categories of data from TEFCA. item deferred until a list of data categories is available that the patient can understand. Jim will supply the current FHIR standard

Issue 8 Closed: Replace Phone with mobile device: Edited instances of “cell phone” to “smart phone”. Some discussion of whether to use the term “smartphone” or “smart phone” or to expand to “mobile device”. Resolution: use “smartphone”.

Other issues discussed:

Bold type for terms defined in the Terms section when they are first used in the document, and information describing how to read bold terms.

Actors in user test case: Tom suggests splitting “User’s (Patient’s or Guardian’s) Phone as Health Care Credential” into two bullets referencing mobile devices and mobile apps as separate entities. Tom added “Contact info” to the Request Registration (Binding) Certificate from the table in 4.1 Contents of Distributed Identity Assurance (DIA). “Contact info” can be email, SMS, phone number or physical mailing address. Tagging it MUST. Contact info and identification info (e.g. birthdate) along with doi used to create connection. (“personal info” changed to “identification info”).

“Healthcare Trust Framework” changed to “U.S. Healthcare Assurance Framework”.

NIST Draft of Privacy Framework

Discuss NIST released of Draft of the Privacy Framework; 

Sal: did we discuss or run out of time?

Year End MinutesNoreen and Sal to complete documentation of year-end minutes

Meeting adjourned at 1:00pm Eastern time.

Next meeting is February 4, 2020 at Noon Eastern time. Subsequent meetings will be biweekly until further notice.

Action items

  • Noreen and Sal: review documentation of year-end minutes.
  • Noreen: add meeting calendar item and call details to FIRE WG wiki page.
  • Tom: Need new graphic to replace the one showing 4 digits of SSN.