Weekly Meeting 2013 07 09 Notes

Weekly Meeting 2013 07 09 Notes

Information Sharing Work Group Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Tuesday, Jun 11 : 4:30pm PDT, 7:30pm EDT
  • Wednesday, Jun 12 : 12:30am UK, 9:30am JT, 11:30pm NZDT  

  • Please join  my meeting  via GoToMeeting
  • Join the conference call
    • Skype: +99051000000481
    • US Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350
    • UK Dial-In: +44-20-3137-5285
    • Conference ID: 178-2540
    • GoToMeeting ID: 844-771-298


  • Joe Andrieu
  • Lionel Klee



  1. Attendance
  2. Approval of Prior Minutes & Other Motions
  3. Prior Action Item Review
  4. Continuing Business
    1. Survey
    2. Rechartering to include efforts like Open Notice Open Notice/Consent Commons ( http://opennotice.org  )
  5. New Business
  6. Action Item Review
  7. Next meeting schedule


1. Attendance

We noted that with 2 of 4 voting members in attendance, quorum was met. 

2. Motions


3. Prior Action Item Review

  1. Joe: Needs to talk to Joni DONE
  2. Joe: Write a blurb re: funding for Survey – Enrolled Craig Honnick
  3. Joe: Write a blurb re: secretary internship – No action
  4. Mark: Set up a meeting with Joe & Iain DONE

4. Continuing Business


Current survey: the current questionaire is likely to illicit extremely biased results. I had a great talk with Craig Honnick and he walked through the possible challenges. It almost certainly would be problematic to treat it quantitatively, but if our focus is on qualitative, maybe we can still make use of it. In smaller numbers, but in richer format.

Joe: I'd like to do two things. 

First, translate this into Google Consumer Surveys and see if we can afford to get a few dozen responses and see what we can get.

Second, see if we can't find some way to do some interviews. That means volunteer resources I'm not sure we have available.

At the same time, Craig and I are going to put together a proposal for doing a more thorough, rigorous study in the $5-10k range. Once we have that proposal, we can shop it around and see if we can't get someone to support it. Maybe we do it as as Kickstarter.


Open Notice/Consent Commons ( http://opennotice.org)


5. New Business


RealMe is live as of July 1. No receiving parties yet, but the system is up and the Kiwi version of the label is in place.  Two sources of "authoritative" data. Be interesting to see how the self-asserted data fills in.

Q: Is the data displayed in transit (like form fill) or is it transferred in the background (like Facebook)

A: The assertion service shows the data, the RP is asked to show it, but may or may not.

  1. Assertion service retrieves the data from the data stores and shows it to the user
  2. The RP retreives the data from the assertion services



For the second survey, we want to look at five canonical situations where the label might be seen by users. If we can do that well, we'll have a good foundation for thinking about the major users. These should also be good for our own discussion

Factor Changes:

Brand — Un/Known, Un/Favorable

Data – Contact info, name, SSN, DOB, DNA, Credit Card, Bank Info

Purpose – Payment, Delivery, FREE stuff, Website Access


Aligned & Misaligned Data & Purpose

Give data X to Y for Z


Making a hotel reservation at Hotels.com, providing Credit Card details.

Making a bicycle rental reservation at Joe's SF Bike Tours, providing Credit Card details.


Accessing web content at Bacardi.com, providing DOB.

Accessing web content at Nickelodeon, providing DOB.

Accessing web content at Google, providing DOB.


Upload a photo of yourself on Facebook to share with your friends
Upload a photo of your friends on Facebook to share with your friends
Upload a photo of your friends on Joe's SF Bike Tours, to help promote
Upload a photo a Bacardi.com, to enter a promotion
Upload a photo of X to Y for Z

Open a bank account
You're placed under arrest
Process: Let's look at the data and see that we have a good scenario where we would normally share it.
Hypothesis: alignment of data & purpose is a dominant factor


6. Action Items


7. Next Meeting

  • Tuesday  July 2 : 12:30 pm PDT, 3:30pm EDT,  8:30pm UK,
  • Wednesday Juy 3 : 4:30am JT, 7:30am NZT
  • 60 minutes