Weekly Meeting 2009 10 26 Minutes Ratified

Weekly Meeting 2009 10 26 Minutes Ratified

Information Sharing Working Group Minutes

Date and Time

Date: 26th, October, 2009

Time: 9 PDT | 12 EDT | 5pm UK


Iain Henderson (voting)
Trent Adams (voting)
Joe Andrieu (voting)
Henrik Beiring (voting)
Colin Soutar (voting)
Joni Brennan (staff)


Eve Maler


Admin Update from Joni: Note that our updated charter should be approved by the Leadership Council mid this week, at which point we should take stick of work products and output plan.

1. Quorum and Voting

Having completed the process of allowing the group to self-describe as Voting or Observers, we noted that the 5 people on the call were voting members and that the group had quorum on this call.

Colin Soutar joined the call as an observer. Joe/ Trent debated the issues around observer voting status, as currently being iterated at the Leadership Council but agreed to leave that debate to one side for the purposes of this call.

2. Previous Meeting Notes

Having quorum in place, the group agreed to ratify the previous meeting notes (19th Oct 09) for the record, those not having had any management of quorum, nor any significant policy decisions been made. All meeting minutes going forward will include management of quorum.

3. Car Buying Scenario

The group continued to work through the main car buying scenario, focusing on section 7c on the buyer side (Relationship Development). The concluding state of this work is shown below, and its development will continue on the next call.

7. Relationship Development

Over the course of using her vehicle and getting it serviced, Sally learns about the Road Warrior program that the manufacturer offers to help customers who take frequent Roadtrips. She had heard about this on one of her favorite TV shows and it came up in her Twitter feed recently. She visits the manufactuer's website and signs up, pointing them to her personal datastore, and provisioning the manufacturer for access to her "roadtrip" travel dates and in-car location information for use by the Road Warrior Program.

She requests "speed trap" notifications, construction alerts, amber alerts, and emergency alerts. She authorizes anonymized use of her usage data for civic planning and road maintenance.

Access Provision:
1. Data set
2. License Term
3. Use
4. Retention
5. Propagation

Civic Data
1. Driving data
a. Space-time travel (location & time while driving)
b. # Passengers
c. Type of car (Make, Model, Year)
2. License Term (duration): 1 year
3. Use: civic planning and road maintenance
4. Retention:
a. immediate use
b. planning
c. archive

Requirement: Consistent identifier for correlating car from trip to trip? No. "Anonymized" needs further definition. We have to answer "For Sally, for this Civic planning relationship, how do we anonymize that data."

Next Meeting

2nd November 2009

Time: 9am PDT | 12.00 EDT | 5pm UK time, 6pm CET


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