DRAFT HIAWG Meeting Minutes 2013-12-19
DRAFT HIAWG Meeting Minutes 2013-12-19
Kantara Initiative Health Identity Assurance WG Teleconference
DRAFT HIAWG Meeting Minutes
Date and Time
Date: Thursday, 2013 December 19
Time: 10:00 PT | 12:00 CT | 13:00 ET
Dial in: TurboBridge Conferencing
- Skype: +99051000000481
- North American Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350
- Room Code: 613-2898
- For more dial-in information, see: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Telco+Bridge+Info
Health Identity Assurance Working Group Home Page
- Administration:
- Roll Call
- Agenda Confirmation
- Meeting Minutes Approval: DRAFT HIAWG Meeting Minutes 2013-12-05
- Organization updates - Director's Corner
- Upcoming Events page: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/pYDWAw
- Report out from latest LC meeting
- Next HIAWG Meeting: January 2? January 9?
- Action Item Review
- Discussion
- Continuation of the discussion on the Feasibility Study work
- Adjourn
As of December 3, 2013, quorum is 7 out of 12 voting participants.
Meeting did not achieve quorum
- Andrew Hughes (V-C)
- Bob Sullivan
- Terry Gold
- Ron Moser
- Laurie Tull
- Jerry Cox
- Brian Ahier
- Scott Rea
Minutes Approval
Minutes for approval: DRAFT HIAWG Meeting Minutes 2013-12-05
Motion to approve minutes of 2013-12-05:
Seconded by:
Motion Carried / Defeated / Carried with Amendments
Organization updates
Upcoming Events page: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/pYDWAw
- HIMSS has confirmed Kantara workshop space
Next meeting: Tentatively cancel January 2, 2014 and hold off-week call if required.
HIAWG Deliverable
- Terry - call for volunteers
- Jerry - CP WG - just approved a new PKI CP
- The ID Proofing is the same between FBCP, DT, FICAM at LOA3
- His goal is to get a statement that if a PKI has been approved by the FBCA, then DT/EHNAC can accept it
- ACH - what is the mapping exercise? Map the Assessment results? Map the Approval to the Assessment? Approval to Approval?
- Jerry - when an entity goes to FBCA they do a mapping exercise of their policy to the FBCA policy requirements
- We need to map the IDP/V process/criteria as defined by FBCA, DirectTrust, FICAM non-PKI
- Scott - FBCA is more restrictive than others
- For HealthCare providers they need to leverage other process approvals
- Scott - DT is not exclusively focused on PKI (yes for Direct Addresses).
- They also do registration of people to the HISPs - this is very FICAM/Kantara-like
- Healthcare customers must get DTAAP/EHNAC
- To make it easier for them, we should map onto those processes
- Need 2 mappings to occur - need to map the PKI portion of DT policy to FBCP; need to map process side
- Keep in mind that in the DT framework even though there is RA Accreditation- it must be connected to the CA part
- Healthcare application providers under DEA rules - can use credential Federal Bridge Approved PKI provider or FICAM non-PKI provider
- but when that organization using the application goes for DTAAP/FICAM they need to go through an assessment again
- Options:
- DirectTrust to cross-certify with FB - might not work because DT does things the FB does not allow
- Take FB IDPV requirements piece only and map those to the DT requirements
- Then DT could say that when an entity has gone through the FBCA/FICAM assessment, those sections can be excluded
- Bob: can we set up a metric to tell if we are making progress?
- Could we just measure how much people are spending to get through this? If first costs X and second costs X-Y ? This would give us information on possible approval program structures. Be assertive on asking the questions. Hours or Dollars - measurable.
- How many entities are out there? 10 or so that might want Federal Bridge, 1000's for DirectTrust, 100's for Kantara
- Dr. Kibbe should be able to extrapolate for RA numbers - ACTION: Terry
- Andrew to ask the question of Kantara
- Jerry - can take the DirectTrust Section 3 and and Federal Bridge CP Section 3
- DirectTrust CP was originated as FB Medium - so there are unlikely to be many differences...
- It would be useful to take the FBCA process and do a side-by-side comparison to DirectTrust process
Next Meeting
Date: Thursday, 2014 January 16
Time: 10:00 PT | 12:00 CT | 13:00 ET
Dial in: TurboBridge Conferencing
- Skype: +99051000000481
- North American Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350
- Room Code: 613-2898
- For more dial-in information, see: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Telco+Bridge+Info