HIA WG Concall 2013-02-14
Kantara HIAWG Teleconference
Date and Time
- Date: Thursday, February 14, 2013
- Time: 10am PDT | 1pm EDT | 6 UTC
- Steve Johnson
- Adrian Gropper
- John Fraser
- Minze Chien
- Andrew Hughes
- David Kibbe
- Pete Palmer
- Mike McGrath
- Mike Zygma
- Rick Moore
- Laurie Tull
- John MacCaulay
- Approval of 2013-1-17 Minutes ( http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/4oTEAw )
- Cooperative Assessment Program for HISPs
- Goals for 2013
- Planning for HIMSS 2013 Workshop
- NSTIC Update
- S&I Framework
- Other Business (reminder for IAF votes)
1. Approval of 2013-1-17 Minutes
John Fraser motioned for approval, Steve Johnson seconded. Approved by unanimous consent.
2. Cooperative Assessment Program for HISPs
Pete described the mission of the Tiger Team and thanked the volunteers who agreed to participate. DirectTrust.org is facilitating weekly meetings on this topic. The goal is to provide a means for individuals to identity proof once and have that event be respected by organizations needing to be in compliance with policies from NIST, Kantara Initiative, DirecrtTrust, and the Federal Bridge.
3. Goals for 2013
While no specific goals were nailed down, the group had a lively discussion of the need for our work in the healthcare sector here and now: Stage 2 meaningful use (started in January) for interoperability to support transition of care use cases, the DirectTrust.org HISP federation, CMS' esMD (electronic signature of medical documents?), and E-Prescribing Controlled Substances (EPCS).
4. NSTIC Update
- Federal Funding Opportunity - 4 page pilot proposals due March 5th, 11:59 p.m. EST
- IDESG calling for WG voluteers on/before February 28th
5. S & I Framework
- Federal Funding Opportunity - 4 page pilot proposals due March 5th, 11:59 p.m. EST
- IDESG calling for WG voluteers on/before February 28th
Next Meeting
- Date: 28, February#, 2013
- Time: 10am PDT | 1pm EDT | 6 UTC (Time Chart)
- Dial-In: +1-218-862-7200
- Code: 613-2898