HIAWG Meeting Notes 2013-06-06
HIAWG Meeting Notes 2013-06-06
Kantara Initiative Health Identity Assurance WG Teleconference
Meeting not quorate - Meeting notes follow
Date and Time
Date: Thursday, 6 June 2013
Time: 10:00 PT | 12:00 CT | 13:00 ET
Dial in: TurboBridge Conferencing
- Skype: +99051000000481
- North American Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350
- Room Code: 613-2898
- For more dial-in information, see: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Telco+Bridge+Info
Health Identity Assurance Working Group Home Page
- Administration:
- Roll Call
- Agenda Confirmation
- Leadership Nominations / Election
- Upcoming Events page: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/pYDWAw
- Report out from latest LC meeting
- Discussion
- New Mission Statement for the Group
- WG Charter
- Aligning efforts with DirectTrust.org, EHNAC, and IDESG
- Deliverables for on-boarding healthcare worker digital identities
- Presentation on “A Privacy Strategy for the United States Healthcare Industry” (see attached) - Barry Hieb
- (proposed for next meeting) Presentation on conducting risk assessments for apps dealing with PHI - Linda Goettler
- Adjourn
As of 6 June 2013, quorum is 9 of 16
- Barry Hieb
- Laurie Tull
- Pete Palmer
- Andrew Hughes
- Minze Chien
- Rick Moore
- Bill Braithwaite
- Nathan Faut
- None
- Leadership Nominations / Election
- Meeting is not quorate
- Upcoming Events page: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/pYDWAw
- Send updates to staff@kantarainitiative.org
- Noted that Allan Foster is speaking today at the Michigan HIE event
- Report out from latest LC meeting
- Quarterly reports - HIAWG is waaaay behind
- The quarterly report will be changed into a monthly survey to make it easier to provide information
- Exec Director report - not much on this call
- Election rounds happening soon
- New work items:
- New Kantara Discussion Group - Identity of Things
- Reached out to a University to see if interns can be sourced to help with secretary roles
- WG Updates
- Board of Trustees - 2 new orgs have been Approved as CSP - announcements soon
- Will be a F2F LC meeting June 20-21 in Portland
- Quarterly reports - HIAWG is waaaay behind
New Mission Statement for the Group
- Discussed the need for refocusing and fixing the charter
- ACH to post a draft of the goals and mission statement for discussion
- Important to note that HIAWG is the only forum for recommending adjustments to the KI IAF
Aligning efforts with DirectTrust.org, EHNAC, and IDESG
- There is a pilot project underway that is examining how Health Providers might be ID Proofed once in an environment.
- This might be a very good proving ground for the Direct-Kantara MOU
Deliverables for on-boarding healthcare worker digital identities
- Carried over to next meeting
Presentation - Barry Hiebe
NOTE: Link to the Privacy whitepaper here: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/download/attachments/64389330/privacywhitepaper5-21-13.pdf
- The Privacy white paper proposes an approach for privacy in the US Healthcare environment
- Published a few weeks ago by Global Patient Identifiers Inc. (GPII)
- Healthcare Privacy environment is very complex
- Some design considerations:
- each individual has requirements
- the system must be voluntary - if, when, how to participate
- must be very simple
- must be flexible
- must work with existing systems - this is very challenging - no existing commonality wrt security, privacy, data segregation
- patients and physicians must be empowered
- concern has been raised that if there is good privacy, then standard of care will suffer - false dichotomy
- allow for exceptions - e.g. break the glass scenario & its reversibility
- make it as hard as possible to make errors, but as easy as possible to recover from errors
- must be inexpensive to implement and operate
- Accurate Patient Identification is essential
- Suggest creating 2 types of identifier: Public and Private - give these to the patient and have them apply them as appropriate
- This design concept is inherently simple and easy to explain
- Currently doing proof of concept deployments
- Questions
- What path would be needed to standardize this in a way for vendors to implement?
- Looking for ideas for best approach - engaging about 35 in the initial development stage of the whitepaper
- This will have to be a grassroots approach - patient demand
- e.g. if a patient pays for an encounter, then it must be segregateable from the data set & not reportable to the insurance company
- Are there 'official' endorsements yet?
- Looking to see if Kantara will endorse it
- Would like to find some pilot sites to demonstrate how it works
- Comment: Might be appropriate to send this out to the WG for comments, and possible sending to LC as a recommendation for approval/endorsement.
- Most vendors have several identifiers in the system: external and internal. Is this approach similar? If so, the vendors would have to adopt this as the internal identifier, correct?
- The whitepaper suggests methods that could be used to include the privacy identifiers into records for data segmentation
- Have there been discussions with EHR vendors about what would be needed to implement this?
- Yes, some
- DS4P (Data Segmentation For Privacy) - is a complex approach that is also attempting this
- http://wiki.siframework.org/Data+Segmentation+for+Privacy+Homepage
- Some chatter online that this might be how Meaningful Use 3 will be done - but it is not settled
- Comment: Perhaps look to Project VRM and similar initiatives for ideas around implementation
- Comment: Perhaps reach out to Canada Health Infoway for ideas
- Comment: Perhaps approaching EHNAC and Direct might help to get to vendors interested in working out some of the details
- What path would be needed to standardize this in a way for vendors to implement?
- Please send comments on the whitepaper and potential connections to Barry.
- None raised
Action Items
Item # | Description | Assigned to | Est. Completion | Status |
2013-06-06-001 | Provide a link to the Privacy Whitepaper | Andrew | 6 June 2013 | 6 Jun 2013 Complete |
2013-06-06-002 | Create and post straw man discussion version of new charter and goals for the group | Andrew | 13 June 2013 | |
2013-06-06-003 | Review and provide comments to Barry Hieb on the GPII Privacy whitepaper | All | 13 June 2013 |
Next Meeting
Date: Thursday, 20 June 2013
Time: 10:00 PT | 12:00 CT | 13:00 ET
Dial in: TurboBridge Conferencing
- Skype: +99051000000481
- North American Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350
- Room Code: 613-2898
- For more dial-in information, see: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Telco+Bridge+Info