DRAFT Meeting Notes 2013-10-10

DRAFT Meeting Notes 2013-10-10

Kantara Initiative Health Identity Assurance WG Teleconference

DRAFT Meeting Notes 2013 October 10

Date and Time

Date: Thursday, 10 October 2013 
Time: 10:00 PT | 12:00 CT | 13:00 ET
Dial in: TurboBridge Conferencing

Health Identity Assurance Working Group Home Page

HIAWG Wiki Home


  1. Administration:
    1. Roll Call
    2. Agenda Confirmation
    3. Meeting Minutes Approval: No minutes ready for approval.
    4. Organization updates - Director's Corner
    5. Upcoming Events page: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/pYDWAw
      1. Call for Healthcare-related Events and Conferences that members plan to attend
    6. Report out from latest LC meeting
    7. Action Item Review
  2. Discussion
    1. Continuation of the discussion on the Feasibility Study work 
  3. AOB
  4. Adjourn


Participant Roster

As of September 26, 2013, quorum is 7 out of 12 voting participants.

Quorum was not achieved


  • Pete Palmer
  • Andrew Hughes
  • Terry Gold
  • Rich Furr
  • Ron Moser
  • Linda Goettler
  • Jerry Coxe
  • Rick Moore
  • Laurie Tull


Minutes Approval

No minutes ready for approval

Organization updates

Director's Corner

Upcoming Events page: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/pYDWAw


HIAWG Deliverable
Discussion 10 October 2013
  • Terry outlined the background of the feasibility study request
  • Developing a document for circulation to frame the conversation to build out the document - annotated Table of Contents
  • Looking to ensure that impacted stakeholders have the opportunity to participate
  • Timelines? It depends on contributions from the sponsors and stakeholders.
  • Terry and Ron to discuss scope etc offline
Discussion 26 September 2013

(Summary of notes follows)

  • Andrew gave a brief overview of the state of play that caused the need for the Feasibiilty Study
  • The DRAFT objective statement “Clarification and stabilization for market consumers….” 
  • The 5 questions that the study should answer: 
    • Why are there and should there be several accreditation authorities? Are there opportunities for streamlining? 
    • What are the drivers? Enablers and Barriers for RP’s to accept one certification but not others?
    • Question of scope: are we only looking at Federal RP’s? or wider? Or a Geography? 
    • What are the challenges: what are the enablers and barriers for cross acceptance of assessment results or certifications? 
    • How will this be measured? How are the SAC’s different from one program to another? 
    • What would be needed to make progress to resolve the issues? 
  • Question: who is the sponsor? And what will they do with the results? 
    • The sponsors are: EHNAC, DirectTrust.org and Kantara 
    • Result will be delivered to the Kantara Board 
    • The study will not make recommendations about specific actions to take. It is a study to help the executive management teams make sound choices on this topic. 
  • Stakeholders are not necessarily the Sponsors 
    • Include people on this call plus others 
    • The stakeholders should be assisting with the work to ensure the best report possible 
  • Question from the group 
    • The EHR application providers will get great value from this. When they want to provide Identity – they look at the certifications required and don’t know how to proceed. 
  • The criteria are similar enough that something is possible 
    • There are some differences in the DirectTrust Certificate Policies that are not typical in PKI deployments 
  • There’s the possibility of the HIE community coming out with additional criteria 
    • HIEs have small margins & fees are high for them 
  • NATE – working with HIEs on Identity issues; 
  • Are there key stakeholders that must be present in order for this Feasibility Study to have legitimacy? 
    • National eHealth Collaborative? – they do lots of research and broadcasting 
    • CMS? – these are important ones to keep looped in 
    • ONC? 
    • Maybe solicit participation via HIMSS, NEHC, etc members?
Discussion 29 August 2013

First Deliverable proposed: "Analysis of the feasibility of using a single comprehensive or several overlapping Accreditation Schemes for certification of Identity Proofing & Verification and Credential Management Service Providers."

  • Can the different schemes be mapped? Harmonized? 
  • Are all the schemes needed?
  • Will get pushback from Industry if Healthcare Assurance Industry tells organizations that they must get multiple, similar certifications


  • Most IDPV processes are not based on effectiveness evidence - some evidence that the mechanisms (e.g. birth cert, picture ID) used to identify people are actually working as intended, with indications of failure rates
    • Kantara has a NASPO liaison - HIAWG should leverage this
    • If HIAWG does not have the required expertise, we should seek out and engage them
  • Lead Editor: Pete Palmer nominates Terry Gold - need to discuss scope and effort level first
  • Contributors: Pete Palmer, Rich Furr (provisional), Bill Braithwaite, David Kibbe
  • Call for potential content for the study
  • Consumers: Kantara Board of Trustees; Kantara Assurance Review Board; Verizon; 
    • Potentials: end-user stakeholder 
  • Approach: Identify parties that should be impacted and get them to actively provide guidance -> Deliverable steering group
  • Timeline: sooner rather than later (Stage2 begins next year)
  • Drivers: Meaningful Use schedule
    • The Vendors serving providers - all complain that the cost of identity verification methods cost too much
    • Physician Groups and Hospital Groups should be interested
    • Meaningful use is mandatory as of next year
  • The Providers are not really concerned about identity verification today
    • it is really a Payer problem and concern
    • if they spend $$ how much improvement and cost effectiveness will they get
    • This is a consistent theme
  • ACTION: Pete Palmer to discuss lead role with Terry Gold - Lead will convene working meetings as needed.


Action Items

Item #DescriptionAssigned toEst. CompletionStatus




Next Meeting

DateThursday, 24 October 2013 
Time: 10:00 PT | 12:00 CT | 13:00 ET
Dial in: TurboBridge Conferencing