DRAFT Meeting Notes 2013-10-10
DRAFT Meeting Notes 2013-10-10
Kantara Initiative Health Identity Assurance WG Teleconference
DRAFT Meeting Notes 2013 October 10
Date and Time
Date: Thursday, 10 October 2013
Time: 10:00 PT | 12:00 CT | 13:00 ET
Dial in: TurboBridge Conferencing
- Skype: +99051000000481
- North American Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350
- Room Code: 613-2898
- For more dial-in information, see: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Telco+Bridge+Info
Health Identity Assurance Working Group Home Page
- Administration:
- Roll Call
- Agenda Confirmation
- Meeting Minutes Approval: No minutes ready for approval.
- Organization updates - Director's Corner
- Upcoming Events page: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/pYDWAw
- Call for Healthcare-related Events and Conferences that members plan to attend
- Report out from latest LC meeting
- Action Item Review
- Discussion
- Continuation of the discussion on the Feasibility Study work
- Adjourn
As of September 26, 2013, quorum is 7 out of 12 voting participants.
Quorum was not achieved
- Pete Palmer
- Andrew Hughes
- Terry Gold
- Rich Furr
- Ron Moser
- Linda Goettler
- Jerry Coxe
- Rick Moore
- Laurie Tull
Minutes Approval
No minutes ready for approval
Organization updates
Upcoming Events page: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/pYDWAw
HIAWG Deliverable
Discussion 10 October 2013
- Terry outlined the background of the feasibility study request
- Developing a document for circulation to frame the conversation to build out the document - annotated Table of Contents
- Looking to ensure that impacted stakeholders have the opportunity to participate
- Timelines? It depends on contributions from the sponsors and stakeholders.
- Terry and Ron to discuss scope etc offline
Discussion 26 September 2013
(Summary of notes follows)
- Andrew gave a brief overview of the state of play that caused the need for the Feasibiilty Study
- The DRAFT objective statement “Clarification and stabilization for market consumers….”
- The 5 questions that the study should answer:
- Why are there and should there be several accreditation authorities? Are there opportunities for streamlining?
- What are the drivers? Enablers and Barriers for RP’s to accept one certification but not others?
- Question of scope: are we only looking at Federal RP’s? or wider? Or a Geography?
- What are the challenges: what are the enablers and barriers for cross acceptance of assessment results or certifications?
- How will this be measured? How are the SAC’s different from one program to another?
- What would be needed to make progress to resolve the issues?
- Question: who is the sponsor? And what will they do with the results?
- The sponsors are: EHNAC, DirectTrust.org and Kantara
- Result will be delivered to the Kantara Board
- The study will not make recommendations about specific actions to take. It is a study to help the executive management teams make sound choices on this topic.
- Stakeholders are not necessarily the Sponsors
- Include people on this call plus others
- The stakeholders should be assisting with the work to ensure the best report possible
- Question from the group
- The EHR application providers will get great value from this. When they want to provide Identity – they look at the certifications required and don’t know how to proceed.
- The criteria are similar enough that something is possible
- There are some differences in the DirectTrust Certificate Policies that are not typical in PKI deployments
- There’s the possibility of the HIE community coming out with additional criteria
- HIEs have small margins & fees are high for them
- NATE – working with HIEs on Identity issues;
- Are there key stakeholders that must be present in order for this Feasibility Study to have legitimacy?
- National eHealth Collaborative? – they do lots of research and broadcasting
- CMS? – these are important ones to keep looped in
- ONC?
- Maybe solicit participation via HIMSS, NEHC, etc members?
Discussion 29 August 2013
First Deliverable proposed: "Analysis of the feasibility of using a single comprehensive or several overlapping Accreditation Schemes for certification of Identity Proofing & Verification and Credential Management Service Providers."
- Can the different schemes be mapped? Harmonized?
- Are all the schemes needed?
- Will get pushback from Industry if Healthcare Assurance Industry tells organizations that they must get multiple, similar certifications
- Most IDPV processes are not based on effectiveness evidence - some evidence that the mechanisms (e.g. birth cert, picture ID) used to identify people are actually working as intended, with indications of failure rates
- Kantara has a NASPO liaison - HIAWG should leverage this
- If HIAWG does not have the required expertise, we should seek out and engage them
- Lead Editor: Pete Palmer nominates Terry Gold - need to discuss scope and effort level first
- Contributors: Pete Palmer, Rich Furr (provisional), Bill Braithwaite, David Kibbe
- Call for potential content for the study
- Consumers: Kantara Board of Trustees; Kantara Assurance Review Board; Verizon;
- Potentials: end-user stakeholder
- Approach: Identify parties that should be impacted and get them to actively provide guidance -> Deliverable steering group
- Timeline: sooner rather than later (Stage2 begins next year)
- Drivers: Meaningful Use schedule
- The Vendors serving providers - all complain that the cost of identity verification methods cost too much
- Physician Groups and Hospital Groups should be interested
- Meaningful use is mandatory as of next year
- The Providers are not really concerned about identity verification today
- it is really a Payer problem and concern
- if they spend $$ how much improvement and cost effectiveness will they get
- This is a consistent theme
- ACTION: Pete Palmer to discuss lead role with Terry Gold - Lead will convene working meetings as needed.
Action Items
Item # | Description | Assigned to | Est. Completion | Status |
Next Meeting
Date: Thursday, 24 October 2013
Time: 10:00 PT | 12:00 CT | 13:00 ET
Dial in: TurboBridge Conferencing
- Skype: +99051000000481
- North American Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350
- Room Code: 613-2898
- For more dial-in information, see: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Telco+Bridge+Info