Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-02-03

Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-02-03

Unofficial Discussion - Quorum not met.

NOTE: These notes were subsequently read into the official record during the Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-02-17

Kantara Leadership Council Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2010
  • Time: 9am PST | 12pm EST | 17:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Teleconference Options:
    • Skype: +9900827043671716
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716



  • Voting:
    1. ID-WSF Evolution: Paul Madsen
    2. Clients: Conor Cahill
    3. User-Managed Access: Eve Maler
    4. eGov: Colin Wallis
    5. ID Assurance: Frank Villavincencio
    6. BoT Liaison: Ken Salzberg
    7. Consumer ID: Bob Pinheiro
  • Non-Voting:
    1. Identity Community Update: J. Trent Adams
    2. Map the Gap: J. Trent Adams
    3. Concordia: Paul Madsen
    4. Staff: Dervla O'Reilly
    5. Staff: Brett McDowell
    6. Staff: Joni Brennan
    7. Staff: Roger Martin


  • None


  1. Roll Call for Quorum Determination
  2. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. Review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-01-20
  3. Announce: Executive Director Transition Plan
  4. Proposed WG: Interoperability Work Group (IOPWG)
    1. Review: IOPWG Charter
    2. Discuss & set date for vote
  5. Discuss: LC Support for WG/DG Evangelism
    1. Review: http://kantarainitiative.org/pipermail/lc/2010-January/000796.html
    2. Review: http://kantarainitiative.org/pipermail/lc/2010-January/000799.html
  6. Update: Kantara Conference - Oregon- March 9-11, 2010
    1. Preliminary LC Attendance
    2. Agenda items fleshed out deadline was Feb. 1 - http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Kantara+Initiative+Conferences
    3. Early bird registration ends Feb. 12 - http://www.regonline.com/kantara_initiative_conference
    4. Sleeping room block deadline at Springhill Suites - Feb. 9 http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/download/attachments/37750717/Kantara+Group+Hotel+Rate+Flyer+March+2010.pdf.
  7. Proposed: A policy for WGs/DGs to seek direct funding from sources external to Kantara. (Bob)
  8. AOB
  9. WG/DG Update: eGov WG (Colin)


  1. Roll Call for Quorum Determination
    1. 7 Voting Members Attended; Quorum not met
    2. Unofficial discussion limited to announcements and updates continued
    3. No official action or minutes taken, notes below are for reference only.
  2. Announce: Executive Director Transition Plan
    1. Brett's last day as Kantara Executive Director: February 10
    2. Roger Martin will be interim ED for 90 days (or until permanent ED is hired)
    3. Brett will be available for a limited time per week as an adviser for 90 days
    4. Bill Smith has been appointed LAP representative and acting BoT Treasurer (in place of Roger Martin)
  3. Update: Kantara Conference - Oregon- March 9-11, 2010
    1. Preliminary LC Attendance
    2. Agenda items fleshed out deadline was Feb. 1 - http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Kantara+Initiative+Conferences
    3. Early bird registration ends Feb. 12 - http://www.regonline.com/kantara_initiative_conference
    4. Sleeping room block deadline at Springhill Suites - Feb. 9 http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/download/attachments/37750717/Kantara+Group+Hotel+Rate+Flyer+March+2010.pdf.
  4. Meeting adjourned at 10:37am MST
  5. WG/DG Update: eGov WG (Colin) - MP3 Coming Soon

Next Meeting

  • Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2010
  • Time: 3pm PST | 6pm EST | 23:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Teleconference Options:
    • Skype: +9900827043671716
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716