Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-08-04

Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-08-04

Minutes approved September 1, 2010

Kantara Leadership Council Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, August 4, 2010
  • Time: 3pm PDT | 6pm EDT | 22:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Teleconference Options:
    • Skype: +9900827043671716
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716



  • Voting:
    1. Federation Interoperability: John Bradley
    2. ID-WSF Evolution: Paul Madsen
    3. Consumer ID: Bob Pinheiro
    4. eGov: Colin Wallis
    5. Japan WG: Toshihiro Suzuki
    6. ULX: Paul Trevithick
  • Non-Voting:
    1. Staff: Dervla O'Reilly
    2. Staff: Anna Ticktin
    3. Identity Community Update: J. Trent Adams
    4. Map the Gap: J. Trent Adams
    5. Concordia: Paul Madsen


  • User-Managed Access: Eve Maler
  • Liberty Spec Maintenance: Prateek Mishra


  1. Roll Call for Quorum Determination
  2. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. Review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-07-07
  3. Proposed Motion: To accept the Report titled "Test Plan for Kantara Initiative Test Event Test Criteria SAML 2.0" approved by the Interoperability Working Group (IOPWG) on July 28th, and submitted to the Leadership Council Secretary on August 2nd.
  4. Quarterly Reports
    1. New Wiki Template
    2. Call for Group Leaders to add 2010-Q2 Report and to back-fill prior reports
  5. AOB


  1. Roll Call for Quorum Determination
    1. The following WGs were removed from the voting roll prior to the call per Operating Procedures 2.6:
      1. Information Sharing (missed 3 previous calls for quorum)
      2. ID Assurance (missed 3 previous calls for quorum)
      3. Liberty Spec Maintenance (missed 3 previous calls for quorum)
      4. Interoperability (missed 6 previous calls for quorum)
    2. Total number of active voters adjusted to: 11 of a possible 19
    3. Quorum requirement adjusted to: 6
    4. Quorum for call reached with 6 voting members.
  2. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. MOTION: To accept the minutes as recorded for Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-07-07.
    2. Paul Moved, John Seconded
    3. Motion Carried
  3. Proposed Motion: To accept the Report titled "Test Plan for Kantara Initiative Test Event Test Criteria SAML 2.0" approved by the Interoperability Working Group (IOPWG) on July 28th, and submitted to the Leadership Council Secretary on August 2nd.
    1. It was noted that there are a few minor copy edits (including URL changes) that need to be made regarding outdated references to Liberty Alliance such as:
      1. line 117: Mention of "Liberty Alliance web site", should be "Kantara Initiative web site"
      2. line 355 mention of Liberty should be changed to Kantara
      3. Consensus was to alter the motion to accommodate the necessary changes.
    2. UPDATED MOTION: To accept the Report titled "Test Plan for Kantara Initiative Test Event Test Criteria SAML 2.0" approved by the Interoperability Working Group (IOPWG) on July 28th, and submitted to the Leadership Council Secretary on August 2nd. This is accepted by the LC as submitted with the provision that outdated references to Liberty Alliance and web site be corrected as appropriate within 30 days.
    3. Moved by John B., Seconded by Colin
    4. Discussion:
      1. For various reasons (including time, resources, budget etc.), many of the test cases submitted by the eGov WG were rejected by the IOPWG for inclusion in this version.
      2. This should not be considered the final version of the test plan, and that passing this criteria is not necessarily a guarantee of being fully interoperable.
        1. For example, algorithm support has not been tested.
      3. Q: Is this vote about process or content?
        1. A: It is about process, and making sure that the IOPWG followed a reasonable path to addressing issues raised.
        2. A: These discussion points reflect minuted comments to show support for this version, while still clarifying additional work is most likely necessary.
        3. A: Due process was followed, comments submitted were received and appropriately evaluated by the IOPWG, even if rejected.
      4. If this doesn't pass, there is a possible danger that the interoperability tests in the Fall may not take place.
      5. This version is necessary to pass in its current state, regardless of the missing components, in order to support the September interoperability tests.
      6. It should be made clear that the profile the eGov workgroup approved is the normative document, and not this test plan.
    5. Motion carried
  4. Quarterly Reports
    1. New Wiki Template
    2. Call for Group Leaders to add 2010-Q2 Report and to back-fill prior reports
    1. Continuing to keep the conversation alive by monitoring the NASPO activity.
    2. Some who participated at the NASPO kick-off event were surprised that Kantara wasn't a contributing participant.
    3. Some LC members continue to indicate interest in supporting the LC request that the BoT join the NASPO project.
    4. Kantara should continue to monitor the activity, even if not becoming contributing participants.
    5. A request was made for clarity on what actual work NASPO plans to contribute (and can realistically accomplish).
    6. Questions were reiterated about their IPR regime; looking for clarity.
    7. ACTION ITEM: LC Members interested in actively moving this work forward are asked to formalize a proposal and bring it to the LC for consideration.
  6. AOB: United Identities briefing paper
    1. Is this something that the LC would support?
    2. ACTION ITEM: Colin will send the presentation around on the LC list, soliciting responses of interest.
  7. AOB: Kantara - OIX Press Release
    1. Released on July 27th at Catalyst
    2. Is there any action that the LC should do to support the collaboration?
    3. For clarity, the OIX is not creating it's own Trust Frameworks, but operates Trust Frameworks developed by others.
    4. For clarity, the Identity Assurance Framework is not a Trust Framework, and there need to be additional components (e.g. privacy components) to make the IAF a TF.
    5. The goal is that the IAF and privacy-related groups support activities that the OIX, as a Trust Framework Provider, can incorporate.
    6. Takeaway is that we should keep the Trust Frameworks on the collective WG radar (leveraging the LC as a focal point of WG leadership) as group output may become building Trust Framework blocks.
    7. ACTION ITEM: Colin to invite someone from OIX to present to the LC an overview of their work and talk about how the LC can collaborate with them.
  8. Meeting Adjourned at 23:28 UTC

Next Teleconference

  • Date: Wednesday, August 18, 2010
  • Time: 9am PDT | 12pm EDT | 16:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Teleconference Options:
    • Skype: +9900827043671716
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716