Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-07-07

Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-07-07

Minutes approved August 4, 2010

Kantara Leadership Council Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, July 7, 2010
  • Time: 3pm PDT | 6pm EDT | 22:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Teleconference Options:
    • Skype: +9900827043671716
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716



  • Voting:
    1. eGov: Colin Wallis
    2. User-Managed Access: Eve Maler
    3. Telecommunications Identity: Jonas Hogberg
    4. Japan WG: Toshihiro Suzuki
    5. BoT Liaison: Vadim Lander
    6. Federation Interoperability: John Bradley
    7. Privacy and Public Policy: Jeff Stollman
    8. Healthcare ID Assurance: Pete Palmer
  • Non-Voting:
    1. Identity Community Update: J. Trent Adams
    2. Map the Gap: J. Trent Adams
    3. Staff: Dervla O'Reilly
    4. Staff: Joni Brennan


  • ULX: Paul Trevithick


  1. Roll Call for Quorum Determination
  2. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. Review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-06-23
  3. IAWG Report for Acceptance
    1. Proposed Motion: To accept the Identity Assurance Work Group Report titled "Identity Assurance Framework: US Federal Privacy Profile" as submitted to the Leadership Council Secretary on June 29th, 2010.
  4. Acceptance of IdP Selection WG Dissolution
    1. Proposed Motion: To accept the motion passed via electronic ballot closing on June 29, 2010 by the IdP Selection WG to dissolve the group.  Noting that the work being performed IdP Selection has been moved to the ULX WG.
  5. IAWG looking for funded editor support as a Supplemental budget request through the LC.
    1. Possible synergy with other WGs
  6. Final confirmation for attending the October Member Meeting in Paris
  7. AOB


  1. Roll Call for Quorum Determination
    1. Quorum reached: 8 voting members
  2. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. MOTION: To accept the minutes as recorded for the Leadership Council Teleconference - 2010-06-23
    2. Moved by Colin, Seconded by Eve
    3. Motion Carried
  3. IAWG Report for Acceptance
    1. Proposed Motion: To accept the Identity Assurance Work Group Report titled "Identity Assurance Framework: US Federal Privacy Profile" as submitted to the Leadership Council Secretary on June 29th, 2010.
    2. Pre-Motion Discussion Points:
      1. Noted that this is an ex-post facto approval of a document that is already being adopted by ICAM.
      2. The language could be interpreted as a little loose and could be improved.
      3. It seems to capture most things, but takes a few readings to comprehend.
      4. It appears to be tuned for a specific jurisdiction, though that is understandable based on it's focus for ICAM.
      5. There may be a need to edit the "normative" language (e.g. some apparently normative terms are underlined and others aren't).
      6. Q: Item "F" adequate notice: is it strong enough as "MAY" or should it be a "SHOULD"?
        1. A: Some of the language comes directly from TFPAP, and reflects what their privacy advisers expect to see.
    3. MOTION: To accept the Identity Assurance Work Group Report titled "Identity Assurance Framework: US Federal Privacy Profile" as submitted to the Leadership Council Secretary on June 29th, 2010. With the provision that the normative language syntax be edited for consistency.
    4. Moved by John B., Seconded Vadim
    5. Motion Carried
  4. Acceptance of IdP Selection WG Dissolution
    1. MOTION: To accept the motion passed via electronic ballot closing on June 29, 2010 by the IdP Selection WG to dissolve the group.  Noting that the work being performed IdP Selection has been moved to the ULX WG.
    2. Moved by John B., Seconded by Colin
    3. Motion Carried
  5. IAWG looking for funded editor support as a Supplemental budget request through the LC.
    1. Possible synergy with other WGs
    2. Clarification: The IAWG is looking for more of a "policy editor" than a "technical writer".
    3. Q: Less of a specification editor, more of a copy editor?
      1. A: Sort of... familiarity with technical details is preferred, but copy editor would be acceptable.
    4. IAWG has not yet explored external funding options.
    5. eGov may be interested in exploring use of editorial resources, if they become available. Most likely not until 2011, but may need more regulatory experience.
    6. The immediate need by the IAWG is to reconcile multiple documents, resource requirement would be driven by number (and type) of changes.
    7. Much of this work would also be done in conjunction with ARB.
    8. Next step will be for the IAWG to prepare a formal supplemental budget request to be submitted to the LC.
  6. Final confirmation for attending the October Member Meeting in Paris
  7. AOB: NASPO request revisited:
    1. There continues to be interest in supporting a single identity proofing policy, even if the work is initially focused primarily on the US.
    2. Without knowing if it will pick up traction, however, it is difficult to support asking the BoT for US$3k per year.
    3. Due to the initial focus on the US, other international efforts may spring up and Kantara may need to support them, too.
    4. ANSI may not be the right place to move this forward. Perhaps it would be possible to send a liaison to explore future support?
    5. Perhaps the focus on the US points to a reviving of something like RealID (i.e. a national ID program).
    6. Consensus is that the work continues to be of interest to the LC, and should be tracked for possible future involvement.

Next Teleconference

  • Date: Wednesday, July 21, 2010
  • Time: 9am PDT | 12pm EDT | 16:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Teleconference Options:
    • Skype: +9900827043671716
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716