FIWG Meeting Minutes - 2010-09-30
FIWG Meeting Minutes - 2010-09-30
These minutes were approved on 28 Oct 2010.
John Bradley
Leif Johansson
Mary Ruddy
Chris Leggett
Hank Mauldin
Matt Tebo
Anna Ticktin
A. Administrative:
- Roll Call---Quorum achieved
- Motion to approve minutes as recorded for 16 Sept 2010. http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/fiwg/FIWG+Meeting+Minutes+-+2010-09-16
- Chris moves to approve the minutes as captured. Leif seconds. Hearing no objection, the minutes are officially adopted.
- Motion to revise the Projected Due Date in the FIWG charter for the Spec: Listing & Meta-Data Exchange Service or Trust Status List Implementation to Feb 2011.
- Moved by Hank. Seconded by Chris. No objection heard. Approved.
B. Update from OASIS meeting:
- There were concerns on how OIX and Kantara would process meta-data.
- The work group discussed the concern of controlling access to reading meta-data.
- Great take-aways from the meeting:
- Proxy meta data publishing service
- Richness of meta data schema at one's disposal
- Signing certificate didn't seem to raise many feathers in the room
- It was decided to go ahead with a pilot on automation without getting hung up on numerous certificates
- SAML 2.0 Profile now up on IDManagement.gov
- Scott and John have taken a discussion about IdP contact info to the list.
DATE: Thursday 14 Oct 2010
TIME: 12:00 PDT / 15:00 EDT / 19:00 UTC