FIWG Meeting Minutes 2010-09-02
FIWG Meeting Minutes 2010-09-02
These minutes were approved on 16 September 2010.
John Bradley
Hank Mauldin
Chris Leggett
Matt Tebo
Scott Cantor
Leif Johansson
Keith Uber
Jonathan Scudder
Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin
Meeting Minutes
A. Administrative
1. Roll Call
2. Motion to approve meeting minutes as recorded : 22 July 2010
- http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/fiwg/FIWG+Meeting+Minutes+2010-07-22
- Hank moves to approve minutes as recorded. Leif Seconds. No objections; minutes unanimously approved.
3. Poll the work group for attendance at upcoming F2Fs
- IIW Washington DC 9-10 September 2010 [P3 and IAWG will be in attendance]
- John, Matt, Chris and Debbie will be in attendance
- F2F Paris 19-21 October — FIWG session is on Thursday 21 OCT 2010
- Leif and Keith both express an interest, but are a "Maybe" at this point.
- ACTION ITEM 20100902-01 ANNA: Send Paris F2F registration link to Leif and Keith.
B. Outline RoadMap for FIWG
- The work group reviewed it's charter: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/fiwg/Charter
Comments & Discussions:
- More imput/use cases needed from the relying parties
- How do we involve more vendors in FIWG discussions to engage them against a particular set of requirements?
- First Step suggestion: Come up with an agreement that interchanges formats btw the federations. This could be more of a deployment discussion.
- The group has identified numerous metadata profiles used in conjunction with exchange formats
- The FIWG is working to define/develop the architecture for the dynamic trust list that would be adopted by OIX
- Adjustments need to be made to the charter due date on the Spec: Listing & Meta-Data Exchange Service or Trust Status List Implementation
Projected Due Date: July 2010
Target SSO: OASIS - Recruiting: Customers have to get more vocal to push marketing and drive visibility.
The work group should outline milestones, to drive it's work adoption, capitalize on the productivity of Interops/F2Fs and boost it's ranks for more active voices and contributors.
- ACTION ITEM 20100902-02 John: Will kick-start a working draft for OIX consumption in advance of developing the full standard.
Next FIWG Telecon:http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/fiwg/Calendar