FIWG Meeting Notes 2010-07-08

FIWG Meeting Notes 2010-07-08


Scott Cantor
John Bradley
Leif Johansson

Don Thibeau
Hank Mauldin

Joni Brennan

FIWG Agenda:

Thursday 8 July 2010 12p PDT / 3p EDT / 19:00 UTC

1. Administrative:

  • Roll Call---This is a Non-Quorate Mtg
  • Previous notes cannot be approved

2. Call for volunteers for work group secretary---NONE.

3. Use Cases

  • ACTION ITEM 2010-0708-01: John has an action to capture previous discussions in to use cases and to post on the wiki. Request that this is completed prior to next FIWG call. 

4. F2F meeting in Paris Thursday Oct 21 1-3pm CET

  • Noting that we'll have to check on Daylight Savings Time for those who may call in to the meeting.  All are encouraged to attend.

5. Non-Repudiation issues for LoA 3

  • QUESTION: Does InCommon archive metadata? 
  • ANSWER: Yes but not sure how long for. This could be confirmed.
  • Explore use case around middle ground solution - regards Janus.  It does not seem perfect for either side of the discussion table.  This may actually indicate that it's the correct solution since it's in the 'middle' versus really good for one and not anothers needs.

6. AOB

  • FIWG needs to map out a schedule of what must be completed in advance of the work shop. 
  • ACTION ITEM 2010-0708-02:  John to create a timeline of milestones that must be met prior to workshop and send to list for information/confirmation.


Thursday 15 July 2010  12p PDT / 3p EDT / 19:00 UTC
Teleconference Info: 

* Skype: +9900827042954214 
* North American Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 
* Room Code (Pass Code): 2954214