FIWG Meeting Minutes 2010-10-28
FIWG Meeting Minutes 2010-10-28
These minutes were approved 6 Jan 2011.
John Bradley
Scott Cantor
Chris Leggett
Hank Mauldin
Mary Ruddy
Matt Tebo
Paul Madsen
Rainer Horbe
Rich Furr
Bob Morgan
Keith Uber
Leif Johansson
Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin
Meeting Minutes:
A. Administrative:
- Roll Call. Quorum achieved.
- Motion to approve minutes as recorded for 16 Sept 2010.http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/fiwg/FIWG+Meeting+Minutes+-+2010-09-16
Moved: Rich Furr, Chris Leggett seconds. No objection---minutes approved as captured
B. Discussion of the Paris F2F
- John reviewed the F2F notes: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/fiwg/FIWG+Meeting+Notes+2010-10-21
- There is no specific overlap between IAWG's FOG doc and FIWG's F2F conversations.
- Question: Do we need a new profile to describe entity attributes for privacy?
- Rainer provided his link to "Why attribute and identity providers need to be separate roles: http://identityblog.portalverbund.at/en/node/5__ (http://identityblog.portalverbund.at/en/node/5_\_)
And an additional link to his "Trust relationships" blog: http://identityblog.portalverbund.at/en/node/4
- John solicits another call for Use Cases to be posted to the wiki: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/fiwg/Use+Cases
ACTION ITEM 20101028-01 Anna--- to solicit via the list potential new time slots for the bi-weekly telecon, with hopes of more EU participation.