FIWG Meeting Minutes - 2010-09-16

FIWG Meeting Minutes - 2010-09-16

These meeting minutes were approved on 30 Sept.


John Bradley
Rainer Hoerbe
Scott Cantor
Leif Johansson
Chris Leggett

Bob Morgan

Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin

Meeting Minutes:

A.  Administrative:

  • Roll Call---quorum achieved
  • ACTION ITEM 20100916-01 ANNA---In efforts to manage attendance and preserve quorum, Drummond Reed and Mary Ruddy will be moved to "non-voting" status and notified accordingly.
  • Reminder of Paris Early Bird registration — closes Friday 17 Sept

B. FIWG RoadMap

1.  Milestones / Deliverables

  • New date for the Spec: Listing & Meta-Data Exchange Service or Trust Status List Implementation
  • Leif suggests the Swedish Gov't may be working on similar documents and it may be wise to look into their parallel efforts in development.
  • John advises the FIWG revise the date to Feb 2011 in order to provide a more realistic timeframe and coordinate with the Swedish Gov't efforts.


2. Progress on working draft meta-data for OIX

 3. Recruiting

  • Swedish Gov't — Leif
  • Austrian Gov't — Rainer




DATE:  Thursday 30 Sept 2010

TIME:  12:00 PDT / 15:00 EDT / 19:00 UTC

Teleconference Info:

* Skype: +9900827042954214

* North American Dial-In: +1-201-793-902