FIWG Meeting Minutes 2010-07-15
John Bradley
Matt Tebp
Mary Ruddy
Leif Johansson
Scott Cantor
Don Thibeau
Hank Mauldin
Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin
Myisha FrazIer-McElveen
1. Administrative:
ACTION ITEM 20100715-01 ANNA: update quorum and notify members of shift in voting status due to accessive non-attendace.
Roll Call---Quorum adjusted to 4 of 7. This is a quorate call. What follows are official minutes.
Approval of previous meeting minutes: Don Thibeau moves. Leif seconds. 2 June 2010 meeting minutes approved. All other subsequent mtg notes will remain as informal record. No objection>
2. Call for secretary volunteers---None.
3. Issues for the Burton Interop:
- Equifax intending to participate
- InCommonSo far we don't have participation from them as a IdP.
- Is there any incentive at University of Washington? ie: PR perks to the University?
- LOA2 capable demos from any EU Universities? Leif (John to outline needs/requirements for Leif )
4. Use Cases---none
5. AOB
- Certificates don't need to be cross certified for signing assertions. That is the goal of using meta-data
- PKI is important for validating the metadata
- APPs opened up to LOA2: Nat'l Children's Study, Pub-Med, [want to use Univ/INCOMMON credentials as well]
Adjourned at 1:09
Next Meeting:
DATE: Thursday 22 July 2010
TIME: 12p PDT / 3p EDT / 19:00 UTC
Teleconference Info:
* Skype: +9900827042954214
* North American Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
* Room Code (Pass Code): 2954214