FIWG Meeting Notes - 2010-08-19
FIWG Meeting Notes - 2010-08-19
This was a non-quorate meeting. What follows are unofficial meeting notes.
John Bradley
Hank Mauldin
Scott Cantor
Bob Cope
Chris Leggett
Matt Tebo
Anna Ticktin
1. Administrative:
- Roll Call--- Quorum was not met.
2. Call for volunteers for work group secretary — None.
3. Use Cases
- No new use cases submitted.
- John will push to start additional conversation---namely getting Janus conversation picked back up on the list...
- Question: What other pieces of meta data are needed for inter-federation operation?
- Scott: Yes. We need use cases to indicate what's missing
- We need to track down some LOA IdPs
4. AOB
- Debbie Bucci, Matt Tebo, Chris Leggett and JOHn Bradley will be at IIW
DATE: Thursday 2 Sept 2010
TIME: 12:00 PDT / 15:00 EDT / 19:00 UTC
Teleconference Info:
* Skype: +9900827042954214
* North American Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022