FIWG Meeting Notes 2010-06-17
These are non quorate meeting notes and have not yet been approved.
John Bradley
Mary Ruddy
Scott Cantor
Matt Tebo
Drummond Reed
Bob Sunday
Jacob Madsen
Myisha Frazier-McElveen
David Wasley
Chris Leggett for Debbie Bucci [NIH]
John Alterman
Trent Adams
Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin
John Chapman
Meeting Notes:
1. Roll call---Non Quorate Call
2. Status of Chairman Nominations:
- All nominiations to date are in favor of John Bradley. Nominations close at 5:00p PDT Tuesday 22 June 2010.
- Joni advised that WG attendance / voting status be cleaned up in advance of the next call. Assuming quorum is
achieved, the nominations could go either to a secret ballot as is operational protocol, or could be decided within a
quorate meeting if it is unanimously agreed upon to suspend the secret ballot and a motion is carried to move forward
in taking the nomination to an immediate vote.
3. Federation management software options & research, Janus & others discussion summary:
4. Use case discussion summary:
20100617-01 Scott Cantor---post technical discussion to wiki
5. AOB
Next Meeting:
Date: Thursday 24 June 2010
Time: 12p PDT / 3p EDT / 1900 UTC
Teleconference Info:
* Skype: +9900827042954214
* North American Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
* Room Code (Pass Code): 2954214
12:55p PDT