FIWG Meeting Notes 2010-08-05
FIWG Meeting Notes 2010-08-05
This was a non-quorate call. What follows are meeting notes.
John Bradley
Chris Leggett
Matt Tebo
Mary Ruddy
Scott Cantor
Anna Ticktin
Meeting Notes:
1. Administrative:
- Roll Call---Quorum was not achieved
- Previous Notes/Minutes could not be approved as quorum was not achieved.
2. Call for volunteers for work group secretary:
- None. What follows are non-quorate meeting notes.
3. Burton Interop Review:
- The group discussed their personal impressions of the Interop.
- Question: What other things can we provide people to confirm to the profile? Response: Not more reading materials as it seems no one is reading specs or profiles. Interops are most potent.
- Question: how would you set about providing a mechanism so that idps were providing loa credentials? Audits?
- Question: How does the Federation Operator aggregate metadata? How would a certification come into play?
Response: Neither biz models nor tech models exist yet in the community. Global naming continues to be a problem.
There is no clear answer at this time.
4. Use Cases
5. Meeting Schedule:
- Biweekly
- Next scheduled call: 19 August 2010 [see instructions below]
6. Paris F2F
- Did not address attendance
- REMINDER: Thursday Oct 21 1-3pm CET
7. AOB
- Which US President died in Vancouver, BC?
Adjourned: 1:15
DATE: Thursday 19 Aug 2010
TIME: 12:00 PDT / 15:00 EDT / 19:00 UTC
Teleconference Info:
* Skype: +9900827042954214
* North American Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
* Room Code (Pass Code): 2954214