LC telecon Minutes 2013-07-03

LC telecon Minutes 2013-07-03

Minutes approved LC call 2013-08-14

LC telecon 2013-07-03

Date and Time


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve Minutes:  LC telecon Minutes 2013-06-05
  3. Administration:
    1. Action Item Review
    2. Executive Director Report - see Director's Corner: 2013 June
    3. Voting and nominations
      1. LC leadership - call for nominations: Secretary
      2. Closure of the P3WG
  4. Discussion
    1. What's new in your group? survey draft
    2. Kantara F2F planning
    3. Marketing and Outreach
      1. Event Planning
      2. Directed funding
  5. WG Updates
  6. BoT Liaison Representative Update
  7. AOB
  8. Adjourn


  • Ingo Friese (TelcoID WG)
  • Myisha Frazier-McElveen (IAWG)
  • Patrick Curry (Trust Framework WG)
  • Pete Palmer (HIAWG)
  • Andrew Hughes (IAWG)
  • Colin Wallis (eGov)
  • Allan Foster (AIM WG)

Quorum is 5 of 8 as of 22 May 2013.


  • Joni Brennan
  • Heather Flanagan


  • Eve Maler
  • John Bradley

Minutes & Notes

MotionIDMotionMovedSecondDiscussion / ObjectionStatus
M-20130703-01Approval of the minutes of LC telecon Minutes 2013-06-05eGov (Colin Wallis)IAWG (Myisha Frazier-McElveen)no discussionPassed
M-20130703-02Move to accept the closure of the P3WG and thanks the group for its contribution while existingHIAWG (Pete Palmer)Trust Framework WGamended to allow for thanks to the groupPassed

Action Item Review


Assigned To




20130411-01Heather FlanaganCompleteAdd OpenStand logo to the Kantara home page 
20130605-01Heather FlanaganIn Progress Create a list of survey questions and a survey for Chairs to replace the Quarterly ReportsSend a revised list based on comments below
20130605-02Heather Flanagan, Joni BrennanOpen Create a scope statement for internship positions 
20130703-01Joni BrennanNewSend email to P3WG thanking everyone for their participation 
20130703-02Heather FlanaganNewContact Oliver to move the P3WG wiki and mailing list to archivemust happen AFTER Joni sends email to the list


Executive Director report
  • see Director's Corner: 2013 June
    • this space should be considered supplemental with the simple status reports we're moving to put together; this will feed in to an ongoing, overarching roadmap for Kantara
  • July's written report in progress
    • will include information on a discussion that has just started about contracting with a web UX designer to help review and revamp our website
  • One item, which we will cover later, is that there are a number of funding opportunities the LC needs to discuss
  • there is a very organizationally oriented retreat being planned outside of Portland, Oregon, Aug 8-9, talking about tools and processes in how to make the organization run more smoothly
Nominations & Elections
  1. Call for nominations: LC Secretary
  2. Closure of the P3WG (see Group Shutdown Process)
    1. note that NASPO-IDV working group is doing some critical work in the privacy space and working on an ANSI standard related to privacy



What's new in your group? survey draft
1. What is the hot topic in your WG this week/month?
2. What events are members of your group planning to attend in the next
quarter where talking about Kantara might make an impact?
3. What deliverables are you focusing on next out of your charter?
4. What do you really want to let people know about?

One concern is that we might not get to "So what?"  Why are these the big topics?  Who is your audience for your words?  What challenges are you facing?

  • there is a desire to just get an insight in to what folks are working on, but the "problems" question is a different type of question; need to consider if there's a way to make this kind of information flow more smoothly
  • note that these questions are largely geared towards the LC membership, that consists of WG and DG chairs
Kantara F2F planning
  • note that there is an in-depth, operationally focused meeting planned for Aug 8-9; this is expected to be a very introspective
  • there needs to be an organizational collective of the work groups to talk about their topics and sync up on their activities as a separate meeting
    • Allan at ForgeRock offered to host
    • Note that there is an Identity Week hosted by InCommon the week after IETF in Vancouver BC
    • need to make a decision by end of August
    • initial strawman proposal: November 10-11 (Sunday-Monday) after IETF
Marketing and Outreach
  • Event Planning
    did a joint PR release with SAFE BioPharma yesterday stating that we support the 4 principles of NSTIC

    • CIS is happening next week; no official activity but some Kantara members will be present
    • Still trying to confirm with InfoSharing WG regarding an opportunity to be part of the Privacy Innovation event in Seattle
    • SmartCard Alliance will include a Kantara workshop, and possibly a panel space (but that's a stretch)
    • RSA speakers solicitation is open and will close July 25
      • also looking for sponsorship to help fund a social event at RSA
  • we have 2 new CSPs with Kantara; formal communications and press releases will be coming out shortly

  • Directed funding

    • UMA server app, looking for $5K funding from 1 or more backers

    • UMA Interop event could also be a funding opportunity

WG Updates

  • low attendance last two meetings; work is underway to revise the charter
  • note that HIAWG would be very valuable in creating/participating on a tiger team to identify alignment and overlap with the DirectTrust accreditation program and the IAF framework - a mapping exercise
  • the group is progressing with the mapping to the new NIST 800-63-2; the goal is to put this out for broader review in a few weeks
  • also working on the modular IAF model; will need to see how the NIST mapping and the modular IAF work together as we revise the IAF
  • glossary update - looking at mid-end July for an update
  • no update
  • the authentication paper is the only topic; had some progress last week, but work remains resource constrained
  • has a doodle poll out to establish first call; group currently has 23 members, 8 voting; may need to alternate call times to allow for global participation
  • first task is the RSA proposed panel discussion; do we want to be part of the Internet of Things panel, or push for a separate Identity of Things panel?
  • a request for a specific agenda item in the IDoT - include consideration for TPM (Trusted Platform Model) certification
Trust Framework Meta Model WG
  • group has been inactive for some time; trying to determine if and how this will relate to the NSTIC activities
  • Patrick (Vice-Chair) to take an action item to talk to Rainer (Chair) and discuss potential next steps; there is a utility for this, but the questions they were trying to answer originally have significantly changed, and need to consider how this maps to activities underway in ISO and ITU-T

BoT Liaison Report


Next meeting