LC telecon Minutes 2013-04-11

LC telecon Minutes 2013-04-11

DRAFT minutes pending LC approval

LC telecon 2013-04-11

Date and Time


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve Minutes: LC telecon Minutes 2013-03-13, LC telecon Minutes 2013-03-27
  3. Administration:
    1. Action Item Review
    2. Quarterly Reports
    3. Executive Director Reports
    4. Nominations and Votes
      1. LC Nominations
      2. Approval of revised OP to go to an All-Member ballot
  4. Discussion
    1. New group: Object IdM
    2. Marketing and Outreach
      1. Goal: high quality outbound communication on KI innovation and advancement of state of the art
        1. one line tweets?
        2. more conference participation (pre-planning and submitting papers)
      2. Industry Day (hosted by Experian) - 25 April 2013
      3. EIC - 14-17 May 2013
      4. Quarterly webinars to facilitate cross-group requirements?
      5. IEEE article suggestions - topic per WG
  5. WG Updates
  6. BoT Liaison Representative Update
  7. AOB
  8. Adjourn


  • Myisha Frazier-McElveen (IAWG)
  • Ingo Friese (Telco WG)
  • Colin Wallis (eGov WG)
  • Pete Palmer (HIAWG)
  • Nate Klingenstein (FIWG)

Quorum is 5 of 9 as of 13 March 2013.


  • Andrew Hughes
  • Heather Flanagan (scribe)


  • Keith Uber
  • Jonas Hogberg (tentative)
  • John Bradley

Minutes & Notes

MotionIDMotionMovedSecondDiscussion / ObjectionStatus
M-20130411-01Approval of the LC minutes of LC telecon Minutes 2013-03-13Colin Wallis (eGov)Myisha Frazier-McElveen (IAWG)No discussion, objectionpassed
M-20130411-02Approval of the LC minutes of LC telecon Minutes 2013-03-27

Pete Palmer (HIAWG)

Colin Wallis (eGov)Correct ENAC->EHNAC; F6->FCCX (Federal Cloud Credential Exchange)passed
M-20130411-03Motion to approve the revised Operating Procedures v 1.3 to go out for an All-Member ballotColin Wallis (eGov)Pete Palmer (HIAWG)No discussion, objectionpassed

Action Item Review


Assigned To




20121107-01Pete Palmer, Heather FlanaganOpenWork with WG chairs for quarterly reports update.All overdue WG and DG chairs notified
20130411-01Heather FlanaganOpenAdd OpenStand logo to the Kantara home page 


Quarterly Reports

See Quarterly Reports

  • Several groups are fairly behind in reports
  • Suggest that groups that are behind start with the most recent and work their way back
  • Heather to work with each chair to establish that they can edit the Roster for their group and can use the wiki
Executive Director report
  • Trusted Identity Exchange Education summit - April 25; Jeremy Grant to be keynote speaker
  • EIC 2013 - May 14-16; includes a Kantara workshop prior to the actual conference and a panel during the conference
  • Katnara is working on getting involved with new organizations. Currently on the list include Motorola and talking about First Responder efforts.
Nominations and Votes
  • LC Nominations
    • Chair and Vice Chair nominations to open
  • Approval of revised OP to go to an All-Member ballot
    • Changes are highlighted in the last page of the document
    • Motion passed to send this out for an all-member ballot


New group: Object IdM
  • this feeds in to the Internet of Things concept
  • background - discussions were had on use cases, projects, and solutions for machine to machine communication (Internet of Things); for all these use cases, identity for objects are required, but this is different than the identity required for a person.  There are solutions around, this is not a new concept, but the identity problems are becoming more evident.  There is also no consistency among the different industries exploring this space.  Need an overall framework when different solutions overlap or are combined.
  • Would like to start with a Discussion Group to look at the state of the art and use cases and prepare for a WG that will take this effort farther
  • Reminder of steps to create a Discussion Group:

 A Discussion Group is a lightweight, informal group that may discuss the formation of a Working Group, but may not create Draft Recommendations.   A DG may also act as a “Special Interest Group” or “birds of a feather” group for informal discussions.  A Discussion Group may prepare Reports to the LC (or to be used as a contribution to a WG).

4.1       Formation of a Discussion Group
A request to form a Discussion Group requires the signature of three (3) or more proposed Participants of the DG.

To create a new Discussion Group a DG Formation Request (see Annex B) must be submitted to the LC Secretary.  The LC Secretary shall ensure that the DG mailing list is established and the creation of the DG is announced to all Members.

4.2       Participation in a DG
DG participation is open to any person (whether or not a Member of the Organization) wishing to participate in the activities of the DG.

4.3       Duration of a DG
A DG, by its nature, is intended to be a short-termed group that is dissolved after it has addressed its intended topic.  DGs are established for a maximum term of one year, but may be renewed annually for up to a maximum of three years total.

Selection of DG Leadership
The DG shall annually elect a Chair and a Vice-Chair from its membership by a majority vote of the DG Participants.  A Secretary position is optional.

  • Discussion:
    • great idea that keeps coming up, but expect that participants will need to be led in to this with some initial education first.  Suggest to use "internet of things" in the DG title to help with that understanding
    • everything that happens in Kantara needs to relate to the Assurance or Interoperability program, and it does seem this group does relate to those groups - should make it clear in the charter
    • what would the starting point be?  an inventory of OID registries?  Something else?  that will be one of the first questions asked in kicking this off
      • since this isn't a green field situation, doing some kind of inventory of existing efforts make sense
    • Heather to work with Ingo on getting participants and filling out the template for a DG; will also send something to the community list soliciting participants
      • Colin and Pete both sign up for participating
Marketing and Outreach
  • Goal: high quality outbound communication on KI innovation and advancement of state of the art
    • Kantara is referenced in so many places and in so many meetings, but those references are always in the past tense.  People do not know what we are doing now.  How do we fix that?
    • The LC and Kantara staff need to work together to find the mechanisms to let people know what's going on right now in the working groups.  It should become a strong attractor for increased participation. 
    • What about tweets?
      • suggestion: send a once a month update to the communication list
      • we are sensitive to the amount of time it takes to do this; can we spread out the load of communication?
      • if we do use twitter, individuals should use hashtags (#kantara) rather than create specific handles
        • @kantaranews is the kantara news twitter handle
    • Once we get in front of the marketing, we can stop with the mapping exercises.  Our work will be leveraged without being reinvented.
  • Industry Day (hosted by Experian) - 25 April 2013
  • EIC - 14-17 May 2013
    • some really good panelists involved in these two efforts
  • Suggestion: Kantara should add the OpenStand logo on the Kantara web page
    • this effort has had an impact
  • Quarterly webinars to facilitate cross-group requirements?
    • there are some great things going on, perhaps webinars could help inform across groups
    • concern is that while it is a great idea, but the time commitment is the concern
    • if we have one WG a quarter, the big effort will be spread out, and most work groups will just need to show up
    • HIAWG volunteers to step up to do one this quarter, focusing on the challenges being faced with real-life initiatives
    • UMA volunteered to run a webinar in Q3 (Heather to contact Eve to verify)
  • IEEE article suggestions - topic per WG
    • suggest that we encourage this but maybe not require
    • the work in the proposed discussion group might be a great article for the IEEE; maybe make an article an output of the DG once it gets started
    • Soliciting privacy experts to work on the document may be another good article


WG Updates

  • discussed absorbing the work being done by the P3WG on the privacy criteria, and creating a subgroup to work on that effort.  The group will put it on the roadmap as something that needs to be done, but it won't be started until the appropriate expertise is available within the group
  • also looking at the Agile IAF concept, being able to approve components as opposed to end-to-end services
  • Colin did a presentation on consent services in New Zealand and how that differs from the US model
  • Rainer provided a brief update on the test harness work being done in Austria
  • no updates
Telco ID WG
  • mobile authentication technical paper still in progress; now polishing up the text

BoT Liaison Report

  • postponed to next call


New Action Items


Assigned To





Next meeting