LC telecon Minutes 2013-01-09
LC telecon Minutes 2013-01-09
Minutes approved, 2013-03-13
LC telecon 2013-01-09
Date and Time
- Date: Wednesday, 09 January 2013
- Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 21:00 UTC (time chart)
- Dial-in: Skype:+99051000000481
- US Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350 | Room Code: 402-2737
- For more dial-in information, see: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Telco+Bridge+Info
- Roll Call
- Approve Minutes: LC telecon Minutes 2012-12-19
- Administration:
- Executive Director report
- Action Item Review
- Quarterly Reports
- LC Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary nominations (probably hold to next admin call, to get people time to update their groups if necessary)
- Discussion and Votes
- Kantara 2013 Roadmap and Business Planning
- WG Updates - 2013 plans
- BoT Liaison Representative Update
- Adjourn
- Myisha Frazier-McElveen (IAWG)
- Colin Wallis (eGov)
- Pete Palmer (HIAWG)
- Allan Foster (AIMWG)
- Ingo Friese (TelcoWG)
- John Bradley (FIWG)
- Patrick Curry (TFMMWG)
Quorum is 6 of 10 as of 06 June 2012.
- Heather Flanagan (scribe)
- Andrew Hughes
- Joni Brennan
- Colin Soutar
- Eve Maler
Minutes & Notes
MotionID | Motion | Moved | Second | Discussion / Objection | Status |
M-20130109-01 | Motion to approve the minutes from 19-December-2012 | Allan Foster | John Bradley | typo fixed | motion carried |
Executive Director report
- In the interest of time, Joni will be sending out a "Welcome to 2013" out to full membership, and wrap-up/highlights of 2012 will be in that message
- new staff added: Andrew Hughes to focus on the Trust Framework sustainment; coordinating within the various WG on how we work together to create Trust Framework and encourage adoption; will also work with the ARB and focus on walking applicants through the process in detail; he will be the "connector" piece between the external facing that Joni handles and the internal details that Heather handles; he will be stepping down as IAWG Vice Chair; will continue to work on the Decoupled Binding approach on his own time as a volunteer and member
- Kantara Trust Registry - a signed SAML metadata registry, available at http://trust.kantarainitiative.org - if you have question about the technology bits, contact Leif Johansson; ISOC is replicating the information to provide redundancy
- Trustees will be meeting on a bi-weekly schedule through Q1 2013
- Events: see Kantara calendar; there will also be a BoT meeting co-located with RSA in February
- Patrick: first week of February is IC Europe and Kantara will be mentioned; EIW will be the following week in Vienna; M&E7 transition workshop will follow; then RSA
Action Item Review
Action | Assigned To | Status | Description | Comments |
20120530-04 | Patrick Curry, Colin Wallis, Joni Brennan, Ken Dagg | In Progress | Come up with first pass of industry classification and Venn diagram | Added: Sal D'Agostino, Andrew Hughes, Rainer Hoerbe |
20121107-01 | Pete Palmer, Heather Flanagan | Open | Work with WG chairs for quarterly reports update. | All overdue WG and DG chairs notified |
20121107-02 | Heather Flanagan, Joni Brennan | Complete | Note to insert link to BoT 2012-11-01 minutes once they are up in draft. | Completed 19 Dec 2012 |
20121219-03 | Heather Flanagan | In Progress | Verify whether the By-Laws allow for a non-LC KI member to act as LC-BoT liaison | Carrying forward to next call |
20121219-04 | Heather Flanagan | In Progress | Create a zip file of all current, normative documents in the IAF | Carrying forward to next call |
20121219-05 | Heather Flanagan | In Progress | Send out the IAF documents for an All-Member Ballot | Carrying forward to next call |
20121219-06 | Heather Flanagan | In Progress | Send an email framing the Subscriber vs Member issue to the LC list for discussion | Carrying forward to next call |
Discussion of Action Items
- Question in particular about the December action items; they are all still in flight
- Colin W and Joni B most concerned about the Subscriber vs Member issue
Quarterly Reports
- Note that there are currently 2 nominees for Leadership Council leadership; we had discussed holding these nominations and keeping the nomination period open in to January to cover those WG that would be having their own WG Chair elections
- Add the election period for each WG to the Roster so we can determine if we're ready to run the LC election
Kantara 2013 Roadmap and Business Planning
- Colin: can we have a meaningful roadmap conversation if we're under so much financial pressure? the business model is kind of working but it is not sustainable for the level of work we want to get out of it
- Patrick: two pieces to the discussion - there is a strategic requirement in Europe to support L2-4, what's happened in the last 24 hours is that the UK government finally approved its PKI strategy for L3 in particular; in that is a bridge, and everything mentioned before about service providers is in scope; linked to that are discussions about bringing in the GSA in to the broader international community in to the Bridges forum; this is something Kantara could step up to; by the end of February there will be greater clarity regarding the ask from the certification point of view, and this is going to come up again at RSA
- Patrick: the Association for Enterprise Integration, a trade association related to DoD, is interested in talking with Kantara to leverage their community for market outreach
- Colin: so, bottom line is that if Kantara supports L3 and L4 with an international focus, we'll have an explosion of membership?
- Patrick: in focusing on government supply chains in to various defense orgs, we can work with business not just the audit community to get business ready to be part of that secure government supply chain
- Joni: the Tech America and the AEI that would allow one touch point to reach out to many industry players would be fabulous and better sooner rather than later; those are the kinds of opportunities where we can best facilitate given our financial situation (most efficient contact); regarding SAFEbiopharma and the 4Bridges forum and the lack of relevance of the US Gov't and FICAM:
- first with SAFEbiopharma, SAFEbiopharma and Kantara are colleagues and we're working together to create better messaging between the two organizations; SAFEbiopharma will leverage Kantara service approvals, and in terms of the European market when you have a traditional bridge operator like SAFEbiopharma, Kantara is well poised to do the associated federation certification
- John: while Verizon is FICAM certified, that is orthagonal to what they went through with SAFEbiopharma; it is based on Kantara but not the same
- Joni: yes, the point is more that the model is what we could use more effectively; SAFEbiopharma could come in to the EU market to do the bridge, and Kantara's ecosystem of assessor's could be offered to do the assessments
- Let's get Patrick to bring this to the ARB for discussion; definitely get the topic for the next ARB meeting then bring Patrick in after some discussion
- regarding FICAM and its relevancy, there is some serious activity going on there including work on a credential exchange model (F6) and Kantara has been working with the GSA and FICAM on these developments; the USPS is putting out an RFP for an identity-as-a-service that meets the FICAM requirements, etc; high level article available online
- space to watch in 2013 will be the ID proxy approach
- in addition to this kind of strategic discussion, the ARB will be a very good place to start
- first with SAFEbiopharma, SAFEbiopharma and Kantara are colleagues and we're working together to create better messaging between the two organizations; SAFEbiopharma will leverage Kantara service approvals, and in terms of the European market when you have a traditional bridge operator like SAFEbiopharma, Kantara is well poised to do the associated federation certification
- Joni: in terms of business development, want to find a way for the LC to create a process by which the LC and the BoT work harmoniously to do further identification of opportunities; maybe an opportunities wiki? what about a grassroots effort to identify and log opportunities?
- Colin: this seems reasonable; the BoT is too small to do this on their own
- Joni: will create two subcommittees, one for the Assessors, one for the Credential service providers; these will be subcommittees of the Board (which means a change to the By-Laws) and involve a non-voting seat on the Board
WG Updates
- HIAWG - meeting tomorrow to talk about MoU between Kantara and DirectTrust regarding bi-lateral trust; this is time critical work because the Office of National Coordinator has withdrawn the RFI regarding trusted health data exchange and are giving a short time frame for the standards to catch up before regulations are passed
- eGov - had a call on Monday, most of the work at the moment is between pulling together requirements from the eGov WG to give to FIWG for whatever refresh is required for the eGov-SAML2 profile or a single targeted deployment profile; another piece of work coming out of the common interest around privacy deployments
- AIMWG - had a call this morning, quorum for the first time and a very active call; have some volunteers on document descriptions so we know what we're trying to produce and created the Roadmap, then talked about Ken Klingenstein's slides to identify components in the attribute ecosystem
- TMMWG - no update, but expect a change in direction around the March time frame
- TelcoWG - quiet in December but met yesterday and the main editors of the Mobile AuthN technical paper are back from vacation and hope to have, within the next week, to fill the last gaps of that paper and have a draft ready for circulation
BoT Liason Report
- no call since last LC meeting; there will be calls on a bi-weekly basis through Q1 2013 and a small BoT f2f at RSA in February; it will be all finances, recruiting and business development for Q1
- the next BoT meeting is on the 17th and will be looking at the budget
- Administration question: distribution of responsibilities of the KI staff?
- 4 person team now, none are full-time
- Oliver - web admin, sys admin
- Heather - direct WG and ARB, IRB support; program management
- Andrew - trust framework sustainment director; will join more calls to keep the big picture coordinated; coordinate on subject matter layer
- Joni - executive director; big picture and business development, outreach, marketing and evangelism
- 4 person team now, none are full-time
New Action Items
Action | Assigned To | Description | Comments |
A-20130109-01 | Heather Flanagan | Add election timing to LC Roster | |
Next meeting
Date: Wednesday, 16 January 2013 - Strategy call; 23 January 2013 - Admin Call
Time: 13:00 PT | 16:00 ET | 21:00 UTC (time chart)
Call-in toll-free number: 1-866-203-0920
Call-in number: 1-206-445-0056
- Conference Code: 5423695925#
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