LC telecon Notes 2013-04-10

LC telecon Notes 2013-04-10

Call not at quorum; Agenda will be copied for an offcycle call on 2013-04-11

LC telecon 2013-04-10

Date and Time


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve Minutes: LC telecon Minutes 2013-03-13, LC telecon Minutes 2013-03-27
  3. Administration:
    1. Action Item Review
    2. Quarterly Reports
    3. Executive Director Reports
    4. Nominations and Votes
      1. LC Nominations
      2. Approval of revised OP to go to an All-Member ballot
  4. Discussion
    1. New group: Object IdM
    2. Marketing and Outreach
      1. Goal: high quality outbound communication on KI innovation and advancement of state of the art
        1. one line tweets?
        2. more conference participation (pre-planning and submitting papers)
      2. Industry Day (hosted by Experian) - 25 April 2013
      3. EIC - 14-17 May 2013
      4. Quarterly webinars to facilitate cross-group requirements?
      5. IEEE article suggestions - topic per WG
  5. WG Updates
  6. BoT Liaison Representative Update
  7. AOB
  8. Adjourn


  • Ingo Friese (Telco WG)
  • Pete Palmer (HIAWG)
  • Colin Wallis (eGov)

Quorum is 5 of 9 as of 13 March 2013.


  • Andrew Hughes
  • Heather Flanagan (scribe)


  • Eve Maler (UMA)
  • Joni Brennan

Minutes & Notes

MotionIDMotionMovedSecondDiscussion / ObjectionStatus

Action Item Review


Assigned To




20121107-01Pete Palmer, Heather FlanaganOpenWork with WG chairs for quarterly reports update.All overdue WG and DG chairs notified

Discussion of Action Items

Quarterly Reports

See Quarterly Reports

  • Several groups are fairly behind in reports

WG Updates - 2013 Plans


BoT Liason Report


New Action Items


Assigned To





Next meeting